Power Information Fluency



this is what a wind turbine would look like, and as you can see wind turbines are close to each other

wind turbines are trying to stop fossil flues and that’s a very good thing because fossil flues are negatively impacting our environment. So really they are trying to save us.






farms would have wind turbines and would be close to them






ASK: These are some of the questions for wind power

What is the use of wind energy?

How much would wind powers cost?

What is the appropriate wind speed?

What causes the wind to produce electricity?

How tall are wind powers and why?

Will they take up the lands?

are they harming the ones up in the air (birds, bats, dragonfly’s)



small paragraph about wind power (answering the questions)

I have used multiple sources like gale, YouTube, pexels, google, and also creative common, I also have read about wind power on this link https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Wind_power 

for this project I have researched about wind power and how it works.Wind power is really expensive many other places increase their wind power energy more than a million dollars to install. They are used to capture the kinetic energy in the wind (it is controlled by the wind) it turns into kinetic electricity by using the blades as motion, it could go clockwise or other other way around (counterclockwise) . Also wind powers are not that expensive considering wind is free and you would just need the turbine. Something interesting i found out was, now a days we get 4% of our energy from wind and the rest from other thing. Scientists believe we could be getting a third of our power from the blowing wind in the year 2050. One third of our power is crazy, and really mind blowing as well because its just WIND that makes a third of our power. I was also really interested of how fast it went and how it happens. there is no total speed but it does go up to the range of 13- 20 rotations per minute there is also  a total height for it, according to google wind power’s are about 328 feet long. Its super crazy when you think of it because its super tall, taller than us (humans). This answered most of my questions and now i know what really wind power is all about. Wind turbines can even get through really rough windstorms they are super strong depending on the size of them. the things i have read about wind power were really surprising I defiantly learned something new about wind power and how it works. I didn’t know half of the things the information that I was looking for did mach up with the questions I had and it went by pretty good I just saw so now i’m ready to make a statement to Justin Trudeau



Photo by Johan Bos from Pexels 

wind power blades look think from far away but when you get close its like the strongest thing you would ever see. Because, as you can tell wind power/ turbines can get through  the worst storms and manage to get through it.




for this projects process it went by really good i really enjoyed learning about wind turbines and wind power all by my self. since I have learned a lot about wind power and how it works/ now that I understand I can write a statement about it to Justin Trudeau. Wind turbines are the largest component  due to wind power. Their speed and their ability to spin in circles are what gives its name.


Since wind turbines are no harm to us they should keep going and invest more into them. they are just taking energy from the environment without doing any harm. if these get installed we could power our homes, schools, and business elsewhere. we would be getting more power than excepted. Burning the fossil flues is not a negative thing to the earth and does no harm to the air (that’s when we burn it) but if it goes the other way around and we do not burn it then in that case it will damage the earth and cause harm to the air. And nothing of a wind turbine will run out because obviously wind wont run out, so we should take this opportunity. If you are worried of land, and how it will take up the land well don’t worry because we have so much land to still cover and it will barley take it up. there are a very large amount of turbines in Canada over 6596 turbines. In my opinion that’s so much and its crazy of how much we have. Those were just some grate examples of why we should keep and add more turbines in our country but what about the birds and the eagles that are flying high up there. butterfly’s, dragonfly’s thousands of them are getting killed just because of the wind turbines its crazy how the amount goes higher when we add more turbines. these creatures are special to some of us so wee need to keep them we can have more birds dying instead of gaining them we are losing them, they don’t know where they are going their bird! If we want the wind turbines we need to figure out a way to have both the flying creatures and the turbines at the same time. Its hard to do that because since the wind turbines are really tall the birds would fly up their and cant do anything about it and that’s why we need to think of something that would not harm the birds and the creatures but also let the wind power do its job.





  1. What questions did you need to research for your project? the questions are the top ones that I had in mind

2. What new of familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I have used some YouTube videos,and the sources that the teacher gave us, like gale, creative common, pexels, google and I have read about this reading on google and it connects to my project so I also included that as well         https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Wind_power

3. What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

The process I used was starting off simple then getting into the complex things. Sometimes the answers are right there in the articles/ pages online I read. So really the questions helped

4. How did verify and cite the information you found?

How i verified it is where I didn’t click the first one on the top, I scrolled down to the other information the good information and checked those out and read about them.

5. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could be done better? 

The challenge was successful but the letter we had to write for Justin Trudeau was the hardest part in my opinion



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