week 17 blog post

This week we learned about the sin and cos laws and when each was able to be applied to find either an angle or a side length of a triangle we also learned that a triangle adds up to 180 degrees so if you have two angles of the triangle all you need to do is add them and then subtract the number you get with 180 and then you will get the 3rd angleĀ  in sin law is only able to be used if you have a side and angle of one letter like As side and angle and if you have at least another side or angle of another letter like B but if you only have one piece of information for each letter then you need to use the cos equation because you have no sides that are matching with angles so that equation.https://calcworkshop.com/wp-content/uploads/law-of-sines-formula.png

Law of Cosine (Cosine Law) - with Examples and Proof - Teachoo

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