Will we ever be able to live on another planet and if so what will we need to transport people there?

In my question I asked if humans could have a possibility of inhabiting another planet and in what condition that would be? The research has shown that it would be possible, but we still have many obstacles to overcome to inhabit another planet. When scientists search for another planet, they look for one a couple of important qualities. The first quality that they look for in planets that are inside the habitable zone is called the goldilocks zone because this would be the area around a star where it wouldn’t be too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist so we would have water to survive. The second quality that they look for is how big the planet is because they mainly look for planets that are at least twice the size of our planet so that the radioactive decay would last longer to provide heat and the stronger gravity around it would hold on to the atmosphere for longer. The last quality that scientist looks for in finding a perfect planet that would be habitable is that it would preferably be orbited by k stars which are similar to our sun but are more relaxed, less massive, less luminous and there is 50% more of them in a milky way and their life span is anywhere from 17 billion to 70 billion years while our suns lifespan is 10 billion years. In a way, these k stars are a way to ensure stability and a longer better life in many ways. If life was to orbit a k star it would also be more evolved because it has more time to orbit it. Scientists have said that the sweet spot for planets is that they must have existed for 7-8 billion years already before humans would have a chance to transfer. Another exciting quality many planets have is that they are warmer than earth and as we know hotter temperatures bring a higher diversity of life just like in rainforests. Many more planets are being discovered and as we grow I hope that my generation will be able to see humans find a planet that can sustain our life.

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