Transgenic Animals &Transgenic Plants

Transgenic animals and plants all have a foreign gene called a transgene that was placed into their DNA. A transgene is a gene that was taken from one plant or animal and pasted into its genome. These plants and animals are also called or known GMO – genetically modified organisms. For example, if certain bugs attack some plants, you can modify the plant to reject the bugs, this is a healthier alternative to the chemical sprays usually being used. When it comes to transgenic animals, you can also clone a piece of DNA in a lab and insert it into the animal. These animals can be used to demonstrate human diseases.

The greatest advancement in genetically modified animals has certainly been the mice experiment that was first done by Mario R. Capecchi in the 1980s.  He was able to find a way to remove or change any gene in a mouse’s body. These mice were then able to reproduce and give their new genes to their offspring. Throughout these years it was not easy to replicate this procedure but as this society ages, more and more scientists are becoming capable of performing it. These mice have helped humankind understand more about how our bodies build themself and how they are able to rebuild themselves. They have also helped us discover possible cures for cancer and as we research more, we are able to understand life-threatening diseases better. Mario came across something interesting while changing genes in mice and asked himself the question if you can replace a good gene with a mutated gene can we also replace a mutated gene with a good gene. The greatest advancement in genetically modified plans was certainly genetic enhancements that allow us to be able to replace certain genes with better genes or more profitable genes. for example, adding genes with certain bug resistance, so they don’t eat the fruit has helped humankind a lot because crops aren’t wasted over the years and because by doing this crop farmers are saving money so they can live their lives. once a new gene is transferred to the plant you wait for it to reproduce and grow out because all the plants that get reproduced will have the same gene that was added to the original plant. the other plants will also breed and pass down the gene that was put into the original plant which also helps farmers a great deal because they don’t have to keep paying for gene transfers because it’s not an easy task and it’s expensive. Even though this feature has helped us a lot in our day-to-day life’s a problem that may occur is an allergic reaction and potentially death from this genetically modified plant.  if someone is allergic to let’s say peanuts or any product that contains nuts and that fruit has been genetically modified with the genes of a nut it could cause an allergic reaction. biotechnology is definitely best used at learning more about diseases because even though genetically modifying plants is very useful and will continue to be used for a very long time, I think that solving diseases that kill humankind is way more important. This is also best used to find out how human muscles are built and how they can be rebuilt. Another way it’s also best used is to help people who have diseases in their genes like diabetes because we can take out the diabetes genes and replace them with ones that are healthy. Transgenic animals and plants are bringing so much change to how the world is advancing in so many positive and negative ways. The positive side to GMO animals is the enhancement to the animal’s strength and abilities along with the effects on the earth, these animals and plants usually take less time, chemicals, and tools which in turn causes less pollution such as greenhouse gases and destruction to the soil. The negative side to this includes the decrease in natural native seeds and less natural animals, along with allergy concerns, many around the world suffer from allergies and this may cause allergic reactions for those people. As we continue to advance there will be so many more ways to get stronger animals and plants but once we go down that route, we cannot come back from it. Even though there are many downsides to transgenic plants and animals it is beneficial for the farmers, the plants and animals are a lot stronger and more nutritious in return brings more money to the farmers.

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