My Chemical
Utility Poles
For the project of ADL 18 Solution Fluency, I was partnered with Noah Jette and we decided to do our project on how we could improve utility poles.
Defining our problem:
Our problem for this task is to figure out a way that we can improve on utility poles. Utility poles are the poles that support the overhead wires to provide us many different sources of energy. With these poles, there are many problems that can occur from a car running into it to the weather damaging it. Once these tragedies happen, many different areas get affected with a power outage. This happens because the utility poles are all connected to substations for where they get the power from. Once a utility pole malfunctions/breaks, someone has to physically go drive around to try to fix the problem for everyone to regain power. We are trying to figure out a way to make this process more efficient because it takes way to long and with power out for a long time it can be dangerous. We are also going to try to figure out is how to protect these poles and try to make it so there are less problems and less customers go out with power. Our ultimate goal is to find a way to get houses to all have power even if a utility pole goes out.
Here is the Microsoft Sway that we used to gather our information :
(In this Sway is discover, dream and deliver.)
Our idea was to put little sensors on utility poles so when there is movement on the sensors, BC Hydro would be notified and be able to fix the problem. The censors would be able to detect any movement so if the utility pole is broken or fell down we could tell and it would be linked up to the cables so it could make sure there is power getting passed through the cable. This idea would cost quite a bit of money because there is 900 000 utility lines that you would have to put the sensors on but we believe that this would be worth it considering the current method of sending someone out in a truck to look for the problem is very inefficient.
Here is a picture of what our idea might look like:
During the process of making this project, I think that me and Noah did a really good job at working together to gather information. We both worked a equal amount on the Sway and we both found quality information and cited our sources. I believe that we did a really good job on this project and had a good result. We were also very good at sharing our information that we found. We would talk to each other about what we were researching and knew everything the other person knew. What we could have done better was think of more solutions for this problem because we did not put that much time into it and put more time into finding more information. This project has definitely improved my skills of finding solutions to problems because we had very little time to do this and the project worked out quite well. I also worked very well with my partner and hope we get to do more projects like this one because I enjoyed it very much.
My cell images
Fish Farming, Noah Marusenko
For my ADL 10 and science project, I have chosen to research about fish farming.
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
1) What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic?
For my research topic of fish farming, every bullet point was a question to guide my research. Here is the list: Is fish farming really bad for the environment? Why is fish farming good? What are the issues with fish farming? How is the environment affected (by fish farming)? How are the four spheres affected? Is indoor fish farming a good alternative
2) What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?
For my project, I chose to use Microsoft Sway. I like to use Sway because it is a very nice format to write your info and it is easy to read and mark. I have used sway before and I plan to use it on future projects. My browser for this whole project was Google Chrome because I find it very reliable. I also used YouTube to research my topic. I did not use any specific info from YouTube, but I used it to familiarize myself with this subject. I did not include the links to the videos that I watched because I didn’t use their info. A website that I have never used before was Easybib. I found it very useful to put a link into Easybib and it would sit the source for you. I also used Sway to get ride of the normal link and link the citation to the website. To find the pictures I used Pexels and flickr to get half of my pictures and the other half I used the search image bar directly in Sway. Most of Sway’s pictures came from Wikipedia but they only let you use pictures that had a license that you are allowed to use.
3) What was the process you used to investigate the topic?
The process that I used to research my project was first, research my topic and find relevant info on the topic. Second, make sure that the information that I have is not fake by looking up the information on other websites. Third, write down my information into Microsoft Sway (in my own words). Fourth, cite the website I used for my information using EasyBib. Fifth, use Sway to make the citation the link to the website. Sixth, find a image that is appropriate to use for my information. Seventh, put the link to the image on a separate text box at the bottom. Eighth, think of an other question that I can ask to guide my research. Ninth, and finally, write down my question as a heading into my Sway. After this process, I would repeat it for each question.
4) How did you verify and cite the information you found?
To verify my information, I would check with different sites before I used the information. For example, I said that recent studies warn people from eating farmed fish. Before I used this information, I googled it and many different websites said it. I would only site the first website that I used on EasyBib. Otherwise I would have had citations for websites that I just used to verify information.
5) How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?
I was really happy with the process of completing this task. I thought that it was a very effective process and gave me all of the information that I needed. I found EasyBib very useful in citing my sources and will definitely continue to use it throughout high school. For something that I would do next time would be to use the online library for riverside as I have heard it is very useful. I am going to be honest, I did not even try to use it and I just used Google Chrome. I also did not cite the source for pictures on EasyBib. For next time, not just putting the links, but citing the sources will be a good idea. Completing this assignment was very challenging because with the subject of fish farming, the internet is very two sided. You will either get a website that basically says,” fish farming is good because we produce more fish and it offers more jobs”. On the other side, the internet would just say, “fish farms pollute the environment and give you fish not sanitary to eat”. So it was hard to research this topic because many websites were like this. It was a good challenge for me and was lots of fun to learn about this topic.
Science Cycles
In science we have learned about how everything is a cycle. this is what I have learned in the carbon cycle.
- Why is carbon important to animals? To plants?
Carbon is important to plants because that is how they grow is from carbon. They take the carbon dioxide out of the air, keep the carbon to grow and release the oxygen. This is essential for animals as well because the animals will eat the plants with carbon stored in them and the carbon will go to the animals. If there was no carbon in the plants, the animals would have less plants to eat. All things that are living need carbon to grow, live and reproduce.
2. Identify at least 6 different “carbon stores” found on Earth.
1. A tree 2. the ocean 3. plants 4. the soil 5. rocks 6. ice
- Which spheres does carbon cycle through?
The carbon cycle can go through all four cycles. You can have carbon in the ocean (hydrosphere). There is carbon in the soil (Geosphere). There is carbon in the trees (Biosphere). There is carbon in our atmosphere as well in the form of CO2 (Atmosphere).
- Carbon moves between storage locations by 4 main processes (and to a lesser degree volcanic explosions & forest fires). Name & explain these 4 key processes.
The four main processes are photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition and combustion. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and some other organisms use light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high energy carbohydrates such as sugars and starches. Respiration is the processes by which a living organism or cell takes in oxygen from the air or water, distributes and utilizes it in oxidation, and gives off products of oxidation. Combustion is the burning of fuels that produce heat and light, carbon can be exploded back into the atmosphere from volcanos that use combustion. Decomposition is the breaking down of an organic matter, for example a dead bird decomposes into the soil and the carbon gets transferred into the soil.
- How do human activities affect the Carbon Cycle?
One human activity that affects the carbon cycle is the burning of fossil fuels. It releases too much carbon into the atmosphere and is one of the main causes of global warming because of the lack of carbon stores with too much CO2 in the air. Basically, humans are affecting the carbon cycle by burning too much stuff and putting the carbon into the air that we breath.