Reflection for the first article:
Basically, this article is suggesting that you can not trust every profile on social media because you can’t trust who the profile actually is because you can use stock images. This is related to me because I use social media myself and it shows me that I can not trust people I don’t know on social media. This also shows me that I can’t trust people who are giving their political ideas because those people can lie about who they are and what they actually think to influence us in some way or another. Stock photos are a common way that people hid their identity behind someone else’s because they use a stock photo and not their actual image. This is also concerning for me because if someone that I don’t know tries to influence my decision on something, I have to be cautious about if I listen to them or not.
Reflection for the second article:
This article has shown me how people will try to scam you by using public tragedies to their advantage. People can do this by saying that they lost a kid in a public event and they need help trying to find them. Some of these are real but you can’t trust them all as some people are horrible and will use these scenarios to make money and gain people’s sympathy. An example of this is people that say “Help me find my kid that I lost in the Manchester shooting, please donate to our Go-fund-me page to help out”. This can be real but it is most likely fake because they are trying to get your sympathy to give them money for no reason. People like this on social media are horrible people and in my opinion, this should be considered a crime. This has made me learn to be more cautious of what I believe on social media and to also help out with fixing this problem.
Discutons… débattons… ? …na, parlons-en !
Dans notre projet sure la la geurre de chircotins, il y avait 2 personnes qui avait la perspective chircotins et 1 personne avec la perspective brittanique. Noah avait le perspective britannique et Brooke et Kate avait la perspective des Chirlcotins.
Voila les perspectives qui était donné a nous:
Pour Kate et Brooke, les Chirlcotins sont justifiés, car seulement quelqu’es vies était pris pour garder les droits des Chirlcotins. Noah pense le contraire, car les Chirlcotins n’ont pas même essayé a parler avec les britanniques pour résoundre ce problème et donc c’est la faute des Chirlcotins car ils ont provoqué cette évènement. Pour Brooke et Kate les Chirlcotins sont encore jusitfié car les britanniques ont pris leurs culture et leur terres et c’était nécessaire a faire quelque chose pour montrer au britanniques qu’ils ne peuvent pas faire ça. Les britanniques ont aussi tuer tous les 6 chefs des Chirlcotins et donc ils n’ont pas un personne a leur guider. Mais par contre, les Chirlcotins ont tuer 19-21 personnes en total et les britanniques ont seulement tuer 8.
Voila nos perspectives:
Ce qu’on a pensé dans nos propres perspectives c’est que les deux cotés n’était pas justifié de tous. On a dit ça, car tu ne peut pas tuer quelqu’un sans avoir des conséquences. Donc quand les Chirlcotins ont attaqué les britanniques, ils ne pouvaient pas expecter rien de retourn. Donc les britanniques ont réagi d’un façon inacceptable aussi par tuer les Chirlcotins de retour. Nous avons aussi dit que les Chirlcotins ont fait un bonne choix de rébeller dans un façon car il y avait les personnes inconnu sur leurs terres qui avait la variole et les chirlcotins ne pouvait pas ignoré ces personnes. On a aussi dit que le meilleur façon de faire ça c’est pour parler aux britanniques et pas tuer leurs travailleurs. Les travailleurs avait aussi pas un chance a défendre car il y avait beaucoup de Chircotins qui était la et beuacoup moins de britanniques.
Before reading the article:
Statistics are a big part of our society today. They are often used to trick or manipulate the audience into thinking that something is true by just agreeing with them without having the necessary information to fully understand a scenario. Statistics are something that everyone believes because they think that they are factual but in reality, the statistics can be manipulated however someone wants them to be.
After reading the article:
I felt like I learned a lot after reading this article about statistics. Although statistics are something that we use a lot of in our lives to make educated decisions. They are not always accurate. Basically, you can never trust exactly what statistics are telling you because they can be made to sound exactly how you want them to sound. There is a lot of different ways that they can still be accurate but very deceiving. For example, if you asked 4 people if they like pizza and 3 people say no, then you have a statistic that only 25% of people like pizza. But in reality, if you ask 100 people if they like pizza, you are most likely going to get 80% of people who like pizza. This is because the less amount of people are in your survey, the less accurate it will be. Then people can also use this in a bad way, an example would be “only 25% of people like Joe’s pizza” because that is technically what they found if they only asked 4 people, but it is really deceiving and the statistic used for a bad purpose. Another way that statistics can be rigged is if the question is biased in one way towards an idea instead of being neutral, an example of this is “Do you like how Joe’s makes its pizza with frozen premade pizza crust?” almost everyone will yes that they don’t like it because of the way that the question is worded. There is no way that we can trust all statistics, so basically, we just need to make our own interpretations if the statistic is correct by looking if it was a fair question and seeing if the results could have been modified in a specific way. We need to use our common sense even if it is really hard.
Projet: Les Misérables
Graphic Novel – “The Cremation of Sam Mcgee”
Below is my graphic novel for “The Cremation of Sam Mcgee” I am sorry that the writing might be hard to read because the program didn’t let me download it and I had to screenshot it. Also if you want to see the writing better, here is the link to it published directly on Pixton: Click Here
Core Competencies
Substance Abuse Role play
Here is the video of the skit that me, Stefan and Cleon did for our substance abuse role play:
- What are the influences involved in your role play?
The pressures in our role play were me and Stefan that tried to pressure Cleon into making a decision really quickly. It is best if you can act fast because if you are hesitant it will just become harder to get out of a scenario like this.
- Write a script for your role play: Loading...
- Explain how your conflict/issue was resolved. What skills were used to resolve this conflict?
There are three ways that we learned on how to get out of this conflict. They are negotiation, delay and refusal. My favorite one would be the negotiation because you are standing up for yourself and are not being rude to the other person. Although, all of them work and if someone is offering you cigarettes like me and Stefan were to Cleon, the best approach would be refusal because then your friends know not to offer you the same thing again.
- How would using these skills make the person in the role play more resilient?
It would make them more resilient because it would make the person a lot harder to influence to bad stuff if they know how to talk their way out of it. For example, if someone is pressured to take drugs, they can use their communication skills to get out of the scenario because they know how to properly use the delay, refusal and negotiation tactics.
Core competencies
La caricature – Noah et Elijah
Ceci est la caricature que moi et Elijah a utiliser/dessiner pour décrire une monachie absolue. Les mots clées qu’on a dessiner sont monarchie absolue, droit divin, paysans, noblesse, bourgoisie et roi. Ce qu’on a dessiné c’est les paysans en bas du papier avec leurs argent qui est en train de voler au roi. Nous avons dessiné ça parce que Louis XVI demander toujours pour l’argent des paysans.Les paysans n’avait pas d’argent et ne pouvait pas payer. Au milieux de ça c’est les bourgoisie et les noblesse. Il y a un ligne entre les deux car les bourgousie sont proches au nobles et ont beaucoup d’argent, mais ils ne vont pas devenir les nobles et vont pas avoir trop de pouvoir. Dans le coin en haut et a gauche il y a un ange qui est susposer de donner le droit divin au roi, Louis XVI. Ça c’est parce que tous le monarchie absolu était basés sur le droit divin qui veut dire que Louis XVI a le droit de regner et dieux lui a choisi. Une autre detaille qu’on a adjouté c’est que dans le niveau des paysans, il y a un maison fait de bou parce qu’il n’y a pas de bons conditions a vivre pour les paysans.