Genetic Engineering, also known as genetic modification, is where a genetic organism is modified or changed. To do so in many cases you need something called “Recombinant DNA”. Now recombinant DNA is a combination of DNA from different places or other genomes that cannot be found in nature. To simplify this process what it does is adds another gene to an organism to alter a trait of that one thing. Most commonly in food which is known commonly as “GMO”. Which some say help heighten the nutrients in food.
Now this can help us humans in many ways. One of the first is imbalanced glucose levels. Also known as low or high blood sugar. What helps this problem is insulin but if you lack that in your body you need to find it some way or another. This is where genetic engineering comes in. what scientist in recent years have been able to do is take insulin from animals such and pigs and cows, now doing so many will break out in a rash or red patches, so what they did was infused it with some human genes too. Most diabetics need injections to allow their body to process glucose and avoid complications from hyperglycemia (high blood pressure).
Now with this huge scientific breakthrough with genetic engineering you can see why scientist love this, but there’s a bad side to everything. Relating back to GMO many say this is terrible for humans because the sprays to make the crop last longer are not safe to have in your body. Maybe it is over exaggerated but we need to see every side of genetic engineering. Many others say that genetic engineering is dangerous because it can result in massive collateral damage that produces new toxins, allergens, carcinogens, and nutritional deficiency.
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