Science – Essential question

My essential question is:

How can researching Yemen’s problems and coming up with possible solutions help the people of Yemen?

This question is significant to me because I’ve always been a problem solver and I think that if people could get a good understanding on the problems in Yemen we could easily come up with a couple of short term and long term solutions that would work. What we need more people trying to put the effort into fixing Yemen’s problems. Yemen could be a technologically advanced country because they have no infrastructure and we could build some of the most advanced infrastructure there but we need to solve those problems inside the country first to advance Yemen as a country.

Problems in Yemen

I was able to find that the top 3 problems in Yemen that causes the conflict these problems are poverty,

Photo by Luis Felipe Salas

License for photo


Photo by: Khucgiagia

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and lack of clean water and water in general.

Photo by: James Lee

License for photo

These problems are the main reason there is so much crime and bad things going on there. Because of the lack of clean water the unemployment and all of the poverty the people of Yemen become more violent and prone to make futur bad decisions. Yes there are bigger worry’s for the people of Yemen for exemple the worry of being bombed but all of those issues are mostly caused by these three issues.


How can we solve them?

Using the sources at the bottom of the page I was able to find solutions to these 3 problems for the first problem I discovered that one of the lead contributing factors of  poverty in Yemen is because the country has doesn’t have a lot of basic resources like water, education and hospitals.

for that problem I figured that Yemen needs funds from somewhere to build them hospitals, wells and community centers, which would help solve poverty in Yemen the way this can solve poverty is that with a strong community people are more likely to help each other out when there having a tough time.

Photo by: enviro warrior

Licence for the photo

To solve the unemployment crises in Yemen one way of helping would be to build and set higher education standards in the schools of Yemen. This will affect the futur generations of Yemen and will make them less prone to violence and smarter as a country.

Photo by: Guillame Paumier

License for the photo

One of the biggest problems in Yemen is the lack of clean water or even just water. The reason this is a problem is because of all of the bombings and the fact that Yemen is a very dry place but, how do the bombings affect access to water? That’s because Yemen gets almost all of there water from wells and when the bombs hit its only luck if they survive leaving it hard and expensive to repair. for this problem I found that if Yemen build their wells in a concret building then they would be “bombproof” of course its still possible that the well would be destroyed in the bombing but they would have a much higher chance of survival.

Photo by: SuSanA Secreteriat

Lisence for the photo


Condliffe, J., & Condliffe, J. (2013, June 17). The Bomb-Proof Miracle Materials That Will Make the Future Safer. Retrieved from

This website contains informations on many different types of material that could withstand an explosion and keep everything and everyone inside of that safe. The reason this website is here is to talk about how the futur can be a safer place with bombproof buildings and structures.

10 things you should know about the crisis in Yemen. (n.d.). Retrieved from

This website talks about the situation in Yemen and basically all of the problems and how these problems are terrible and effect Yemen.

How to Solve Unemployment in a Country: Best Tips. (2018, September 04). Retrieved from

This website get some statistics to logically solve employment and what worked in the past.

(the only citation worth info is the website url.)

This article talks about how bad the water crises is in Yemen and how there is basically no water and the water that is there is contaminated it also talks about how the people of Yemen are suffering from that.


Poverty in Yemen: An Exploration of Why the Country is So Poor

Poverty in Yemen: An Exploration of Why the Country is So Poor. (2018, March 21). Retrieved from

This website talks about how Yemen is a very poor country and basically why its poor.

In conclusion,

My research found three major problems in Yemen that cause conflict and problems for the majority of the population of Yemen. My research was able to find out the daily life and challenges of Yemen’s citizens which are grave and affect almost all of the population there. My research found not just the problems but also a few solutions that worked in other countries to solve the problems these solutions were thought out and researched with supporting evidence that it could work. However Yemen being a different country then most having a major conflit I have come to the conclusion that they may not work under the circumstances.


How does my research help answer my essential question?

In a way this blog post itself is the answer to my big question, but the outcome could always be different because other people come to other conclusions. I believe that my research helped answer my essential questions because my research inspired my solutions to the big problems in Yemen.

Critical questions

  • Why is there poverty in Yemen?
  • How come Yemen can’t get access to clean water?
  • How can we solve these problems?
  • Why is there unemployment in Yemen?
  • How does Yemen get its water?

Digital tools I used

I used The creative commons search which I have used in the past to find photo’s that I properly gave credit to. Otherwise a bit of researching websites and that’s all I used.

How did I verify and cite the information I found

I cited all of the websites with MLA format and with a brief description of what I found on that cite for each website. For the photos I provided the license and the creator of the photo along with a link to the author’s page where you can find more info on him.

How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could I have done better?

I think this process went amazingly I found all of the info I needed and I came to thoughtful conclusions on my answer. I believe I could have done better if I included more media to resonate with my text to make it more visual and interesting.

4 thoughts on “Science – Essential question”

  1. I totally agree with you that if we can get a good handle on the problem, we can find more effective solutions. I appreciate the three problems on which you chose to focus. The conflict there is also a big problem and feeds into each of the issues you mentioned: poverty, unemployment, and lack of clean water. Great work doing research into the problems yet focussing on solutions. What do you think your next step would be?

  2. That’s some nice and descriptive information, and really helped me learn more on issues in Yemen! I love the pictures, they really help me understand what you’re talking about. Keep up the great work Nikolay!

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