His Secret

“His Secret” A Poem by Nighina Rahimi

Her hand falls across his back,

His skin paints blue and black,

Scrapped, cut, bruised, scarred, cracked.


Her screams make the room shutter,

A prayer is muttered,

Hoping he didn’t stutter.


Degrading him and putting him in dirt,

Watching as he whimpers, hurt,

Hollow under the blood-stained nightshirt.


He never knew of her assaulting ways,

When he vowed to everlasting loving days,

To cherish her through thick and thin and never stray.


Everything changes when the doors are closed,

Everything is different when nothing is exposed,

Everything was left, unopposed.


The pain flowing across his cheek, concealed by the fragility of masculinity.

Alone, hidden by shame and lost from sincerity,

Hardly listened to, hardly heard, no sympathy.


He wants to run and hide, scream out a name,

But he screams silence and hides in his shame,

And his future seems like an empty grave.


Would anyone understand,

Would they give him a helping hand,

To escape his past dreamland.


Expectation to be the man,

To be the strongman, muscles galore and power in his hold,

Not the one that ran to cover in times of fear.


Well, the wounds no longer let him meet the expectation,

There is no makeup to cover these damnations,

He remains pent up with frustration.


Frustration because he knows no one out there will believe him,

They will misperceive him,

And leave him without compassionate relief for him.


Like a fish, half-dead from flopping,

But almost crawling,

Views can change, freedom might be a possibility.


But then she tightens her grip,

Making sure he doesn’t let anything slip,

About her cruel, demeaning lip.


His grave is dug deeper day by day,

The secret is stowed away,

He can’t breathe, 6 feet under the decay.


The pain will linger on his skin,

The bruises won’t diminish from within,

Her maltreatment continues for him.


So, hidden away,

Under her grip, unspoken of the abuse, he stays,

Praying for the bright sunlight of a new day.


Society judges the same,

She remains insane,

Hope is losing its name.


His hope is diminished, rotting away,

Leaving him empty without the faith of any change in the societal ways,

Left, misunderstood, to take his secret to his grave.


This lyric poem “His Secret” by Nighina Rahimi captures the taboo of domestic abuse facing men and the fear and judgement when wanting to speak up. The poem focuses mainly on the theme of gender stereotypes and their negative consequences and the societal expectations and how that can impact how we see and define ourselves. Her poem attacks the question, “Why do people feel the need to conform to society and its expectations?” She points out the difficulties and struggles for men that deal with abuse. Aside from the fact that they are being physical and emotional harmed, society can be one sided. The stereotypes begin with the expectation that men have the control over their woman. They have possession and strength. When you hear about abusive relationships, the mind always think first that the woman is the one in trouble. A man abused never comes to mind.  These stereotypes and expectations created by society become problematic because more than 40% of domestic violence victims are males in North America, and they all fear seeking help in fear of being mocked and judged by a society who doesn’t understand this is a possibility. They don’t see men being abused as a possibility because it is so unheard of. The issue she shares using well-chosen words help enlighten others to the serious problem that is concealed by many men out of fear. Nighina refers to the video “Miss representation,” another informer of the cruel effects of stereotypes and how fragile masculinity can be and how that and the stereotypes can be problematic.


Teens and Identity – Whirligig Introductory Assignment

Image result for stressed teen

When we were younger, everyone was friends. Life was easy, there was no judgement, and things were good. As we grew older, there came new stresses we never learned how to deal with. High school started, and your friends became distant. School work is more stressing and life at home might no longer be as easy as before. There is pressure on kids found everywhere. There’s pressure to fit in, look a certain way to be cool and to avoid judgement. Your personality and your interests must be refined and you must enjoy certain things. There is a competition in school work, you must be successful to graduate and get into a good school; you must be the smartest to be noticed by schools. You will always be reminded you are not as smart as “that kid” and that you never compare. Or maybe you are the smart kid, and you find that you are hated for it. There is pressure your family may put on you. They want you to be excelling in school to ensure you make something of yourself. You also have the sports and instruments you play or work you have on the weekends nagging you at side, reminding you that this is also something you must be good at and must practice or continue. Teens find themselves going through these different struggles in life; they become scared and alone, disoriented. We, as teens, have responsibilities and pressure that seem to build up and grow over time. This can become overwhelming and destructive if not dealt with properly. It’s natural to want to succeed in every area; friends, family, school, sports, work, social statuses; but if doesn’t work out it can lead to destruction.

We are all different, and our mental capacity to deal with what is thrown at us in our society is unique. Some people are lucky enough to have people that support them and help them through it all. Some people breakdown. They breakdown and they may grow stronger from it, or they may let it continue destroying them. Our society is so focused on statuses and how good you are at something; this pressure scares kids. They don’t feel they can be free to be themselves and they never get a break from the worry of stress. Its natural to crave an escape from this all. Even for a limited period. This outlet is usually drugs. Drugs give you an overdose of dopamine, a rush of happiness and carefree. The problem of this stress less time is that it can cause future stress. Possibly, you forget to do your homework, your family finds out and is disappointed, your coach finds out and kicks you off the team, your brain becomes dependent on drugs and you find you need it to feel happiness again. Self-medicating yourself with drugs, thinking they can help you with your issues in life, is toxic. You may feel great momentarily, put you are setting yourself up for further destruction.

I think teenagers need to learn to love themselves and surround themselves with those who love and support them for being themselves. By removing toxic relationships with those who judge them and have conditions to their acceptance, they allow themselves to find those who can help lift some of the pressures and stresses. Then, they can free up one of their worries, they no longer need to worry about appearance and can focus on sports, school, etc.

The Isolation in our Creation

I am stuck in a prison

A prison that is not visible to me

The chains I do not see

Where the walls wage wars of withdrawal


I hold the key that locks me here in my hands

It calls out notifications, orders

It never lets me free

I’m conditioned to hold it close to me


This captivity we have created

A world where we obey

Technology that have manipulated

This authority seems like it is here to stay


Everyone is distant

Lost without an identity

Yes, we keep in contact

But the contact lacks intimacy


We no longer keep in touch

I know you are still there,

In another prison cell

Controlled by your own guard


I see your status update

We have a conversation with limit

Our words feel fake and scripted

We are both stuck in our own solitary confinement


I am stuck behind my bars

They are stuck behind theirs

We never seem to be able to leave

Ruled by an artificial higher entity, it seems


Our prison is in our own hands

No one to blame

For the technology, we have created

Is but our own shame


A creation we wont let go

And always follow

The prison we wont leave

Even when we know we can so


How come I don’t give up this social construct enslavement?

Why does this controlment continue?

I want my past life back, but

I am stuck in a prison




The 5 Ecological Cycles on Mars

Our task is to create a stop motion video demonstrating the 5 ecological cycles necessary for survival in a biosphere on Mars and how they work to help life survive.

a/ What the heck is STOPMOTION?

Stop motion is a series of photos taken repetitively, one after another. The photos end up being put together and it flows smoothly like a video. Since the photos are individually taken and are similar, in a video it makes it look like it is moving.

b/ Name what app & equipment your team will use?

We used paper and coloured pens to draw out all of our images and write all of our descriptions, and scissors to cut them out. One of our teammates phone. We used a ring stand to place the phone to take the photos. The app we used is called Stop Motion Studio.

i/ Who is on your team?

Me, Maya, Zayd, Katya, and Calum.

ii/ What is each members task?

Each member researched an individual cycle and shared their information to the group. They also had to job to draw and cut out images and information on their cycle. We all set up our own cycles and took photos of them, with the help of our other group members.








Biome Sway – Reflection


Our project in class today was to make a sway on four different biomes as a group. My group for the collaborative sway is Maya, Mitchell, Kennedy, and me. Each of us picked a different biome that is found around the world, that interested us, to research further. We then started the project, each of us with specific roles. Maya had the role of finding videos about each of the biomes for us to use, Mitchell searched for relevant photos, Kennedy found graphs for each biome, and I was assigned the task of siting all our work. We then all researched our biomes individually, putting relevant facts in point form and adding information to our sections of the sway. Our final result, everyone had added their individual information, photos and videos were up, and our information was sited, we had all done our part and finished with a completed sway on four different biomes.

I think, in the end, our process and plan was a success. To begin with, everyone was very helpful and co-operative. We were able to discuss different ideas freely, everyone was open to more ideas, and we were able to combine them together to create the best sway we could. We all shared our strengths with each other and made sure that we were able to help with what we could do best. One little problem we faced was on our communication skills. During this project, some of us were sick, we didn’t know whether or not they were fully completed their part of the sway or not. We trusted that they were going to finish it, but if they told us when they were going to be done we all would’ve had a better idea of when we could completely wrap up the project. In the end, we were able to continue stress-free when we, thankfully, saw the person the next day when they were feeling better. It would’ve been easier to maybe send them a text or an email, I realize that now. In the end, though, we did get it done on time. We were able to work well together and create a collaborative sway about biomes.

Overall, I really enjoyed doing this project. I enjoyed hearing other peoples opinions and perspectives on things rather than just my typical ideas for sway. I tried out different ideas since hearing them from others. It was a very interesting project in the end. It wasn’t very hard, and we had fun while working together. I hope to try another collaborative project in the future.



The Life of a Genetic Mutation

MUTATION STORY: Familial Dysautonomia

Part 1: The Story

Hi, my name is Riley-Day, I was born yesterday in the nervous system of a baby Jewish boy named Abarron.

I go by many names. To some I’m known as Familial Dysautonomia, FD, HSAN Type III, HSAN3, HSN-III. To Mr and Mrs Dreyer, I am known as the genetic disorder that is killing their son. All this doesn’t matter much to me, for I have only one purpose in my life, cause crisis. I cause this new born baby to struggle, I make sure his nerve fibers never work like they should have. I now control his bodily functions, and leave him with little help.

I made it here because of his parents. They carried the mutant gene IKBKAP. By chance, I was born in Abbaron. How lucky is he, he is 1 out 27 Ashkenazi Jewish children to host me. Abbaron carries two copies of the same IKBKAP gene mutation in each of his cells. I, the mutation, cause a disruption in how the information in the IKBKAP is pieced together to make a blueprint for the production of IKAP protein. Abbaron’s cells produce a reduced amount of IKAP protein. I make sure the creation of protein is inconsistent, some cells produce normal amounts, whereas his brain cells have little protein produced. Created to eat away at this infants life, kill and disturb nerve cells, until the autonomic crisis’s become completely uncontrollable and he is helpless. And I aim to succeed.

There’s so much to accomplish in so little time. As a baby, Abbaron is a handful. He doesn’t cry as much as other children do, I don’t let him. His eyes stay dry. His mother will struggle with breast feeding, it breaks her heart to see my host unable to feed properly, staying hungry until the doctors have to tube feed him. The Dreyer’s are loving parents, though. They don’t give up in trying to give Abbaron a normal childhood. Image result for scoliosisWhen he doesn’t learn how to walk right away, they try harder, it won’t work though. I’m keeping his growth slow and his muscles weak, one childhood milestone forever lost. He won’t learn how to speak until he is 8, starting with a couple of simple words here and there. His parents worry and always keep consistent watch over him, never knowing when he will hold his breath and when he will faint. He will be forever dependent, the poor kid doesn’t have any control over this. He develops scoliosis. Any sort of dream in sports is lost when they realize, after he starts walking a little, he can barely hold himself up without losing balance.

Preschool started, and so did the hospitalization. With repetitive lung infections, breathing wasn’t as easy anymore and he now required help. I had taken from him what came naturally to others. I also brought lack of sleep to his mother, she had to wake up in the middle of the night to help him stop from choking on his vomit. For his birthday present, they bought him a puppy. Oh, how the excitement filled him, but I caused him high blood pressure and he lost control of his breathing.

I sometimes began to feel a little bit bad. Abbaron will attend kindergarten, but more often the doctor’s office. They pump his with medication to prevent the pain but they cannot get rid of me. I am his mutation, I will conquer. I’ll keep destroying until there is nothing left, until he no longer has any control over his autonomic functions.

Image result for riley day syndromeHe cries to his mother and begs her to have it stop, to make me stop. He is short, speaks funny, sweats too much, he can’t taste food due to having lost his taste buds, he won’t stop drooling, he is skinny, he can’t sleep, and oh does it continue. He becomes sick of it, sick of the taunting from his classmates for being different, sick of the hospital visits. He wants me gone, like I am a virus or bacteria that can be treated, he doesn’t realize I am part of him. There is no treatment for me, I am his battle to fight, and his battle to lose.

He loses reaction to pain and temperature, he can get over heated or cold quickly and won’t notice until he realizes how sweaty he is or how much he is shivering. Now he is losing his sight. All hope is lost for him. What else can he lose, he thinks, what else does he not have control of? His bones are weak, and he fractured his arm again.  Image result for riley day syndrome

His fifteenth birthday is around the corner, and he celebrates it in the hospital bed with a failed kidney. His autonomic nerves are completely unstable at this point. The Dreyers will cry when he stops breathing, though they hoped I had taken him sooner. For so long did Abbaron struggle because of me.

At 15, I had finally won.

Part 2: The Making of the Mutation Story

  1. What questions did you need to research in order create your mutation story?
    • What is Familial Dysautonomia? What does this mean?
    • What does it do?
    • What are the symptoms?
    • What are the life time affects?
    • How is it caused? Where does it come from?
    • Are there treatments?
    • Is it fatal?
    • How many children are born with this mutant gene?
    • Is it a gene that runs through certain ethnicity or found in a certain area of the world?
    • How is FD diagnosed?
    • How often are there hospital visits?
    • How severe can it get?
  2. What new or familiar digital tools did you use while working on this project?
    • I used clinic sites.
    • I used foundation sites.
    • I used Wikipedia (only the information that was cited).
    • I used the experience from a loved one and their struggle with a life threatening mutation to relate to this mutant gene on things like how it affected their life and how they struggled with it.
  3. What was the process you used to investigate this topic?
    • I read through many online sites.
    • If I didn’t understand something, I would look into its definition.
    • I made sure I answered all my questions and I understood the mutation enough that I could explain it to someone else.
  4. How did you verify and cite the information you found?
    • The sites I used were sourced and reliable.
    • I used sites that specialized in the mutation.
    • My sources are listed down below.
  5. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?
    • The assignment in my case wasn’t difficult. I am good at writing and it comes easy to me. Also, I had some good sources so I was able to fully understand the mutant gene. I think one little problem I had was I left this project to last minute because I knew it wouldn’t be that hard for me to write up. Last minute for me was on a Sunday. Having lots do to, I found myself worrying if I’d get enough time to write my story. Luckily I did find enough time to put in effort and was able to complete it on time. Next time, I shall hope to get a head start on writing the assignment.





