Flame Lab

In Science class, we did a series of experiments that had different chemical reactions and equations. The three tests we did were with calcium metal and water, decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, and sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid. Each reactant created a different gas. These gases were tested with a flame or embers on a splint to see how the fire would react.

Calcium metal and water


Using calcium metal and water, we tried to create hydrogen gas. When the water was added to the calcium metal, it reacted by created hydrogen gas. We then trapped the hydrogen gas to do a flame test. We took a splint lit on fire near the gas. When the flame came into contact with the gas, it reacted by growing, then making a loud sound and going out. This happened because the reaction created a lot of heat and the molecules expanded rapidly and caused the flame to extinguish and create a noise. Also, when hydrogen reacts with air is when there is an ignited flame that creates oxygen. This results in the product of hydrogen gas and oxygen being water.

Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide


Hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide were added together to react and create oxygen gas. The potassium iodide was used to decompose the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. The two reacted together by turning into a golden-orange liquid. Then the flame test happened. The glowing splint was brought close to the chemical and grew to a flame. This is because the gas created was oxygen and the oxygen was what was needed to create the fire. This oxygen gas was what helped the embers become a flame.

Sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid


We created carbon dioxide this time when the sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid. When the two reacted to each other, it created bubbles to the top of the test tube, then settled down. When the flame came close to the chemical, it went out. This is because the carbon dioxide made it impossible for the flame to continue burning. This is because a flame needs oxygen gas to keep burning and the carbon dioxide doesn’t let the oxygen remain so the flame can sustain itself.


Knowing how gases and flames react to each other is important for general life. If it is understood that a flame needs heat, fuel, and oxygen. When oxygen is replaced, you can see the flame go out. When there is oxygen production, the embers become a flame. When there is more hydrogen, the heat became more. Understanding this can help and be useful to potentially stopping a fire from spreading. This is because you know what gases can make it worse and what gases to eliminate to stop the flame growth.

To conclude, this experiment was a fun and safe way to watch a flames reaction to different gases and to work on balancing equations.


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