I am stuck in a prison
A prison that is not visible to me
The chains I do not see
Where the walls wage wars of withdrawal
I hold the key that locks me here in my hands
It calls out notifications, orders
It never lets me free
I’m conditioned to hold it close to me
This captivity we have created
A world where we obey
Technology that have manipulated
This authority seems like it is here to stay
Everyone is distant
Lost without an identity
Yes, we keep in contact
But the contact lacks intimacy
We no longer keep in touch
I know you are still there,
In another prison cell
Controlled by your own guard
I see your status update
We have a conversation with limit
Our words feel fake and scripted
We are both stuck in our own solitary confinement
I am stuck behind my bars
They are stuck behind theirs
We never seem to be able to leave
Ruled by an artificial higher entity, it seems
Our prison is in our own hands
No one to blame
For the technology, we have created
Is but our own shame
A creation we wont let go
And always follow
The prison we wont leave
Even when we know we can so
How come I don’t give up this social construct enslavement?
Why does this controlment continue?
I want my past life back, but
I am stuck in a prison