Day 1 Activity – Pythagorean Theorem

When you know the two legs of a right angled triangle, but don’t know the hypotenuse, you can always use the Pythagorean Theorem. Square each leg, and add them together. You will find the answer is the hypotenuse squared. To find the final answer find the square root.  If you know the hypotenuse and one of the legs, but not the other one, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem backward. Square the numbers you know. Subtract one of the legs from the hypotenuse, you will end up with the answer for one of the legs squared. You need to find the square root and you end up with the final answers.

The 5 Ecological Cycles on Mars

Our task is to create a stop motion video demonstrating the 5 ecological cycles necessary for survival in a biosphere on Mars and how they work to help life survive.

a/ What the heck is STOPMOTION?

Stop motion is a series of photos taken repetitively, one after another. The photos end up being put together and it flows smoothly like a video. Since the photos are individually taken and are similar, in a video it makes it look like it is moving.

b/ Name what app & equipment your team will use?

We used paper and coloured pens to draw out all of our images and write all of our descriptions, and scissors to cut them out. One of our teammates phone. We used a ring stand to place the phone to take the photos. The app we used is called Stop Motion Studio.

i/ Who is on your team?

Me, Maya, Zayd, Katya, and Calum.

ii/ What is each members task?

Each member researched an individual cycle and shared their information to the group. They also had to job to draw and cut out images and information on their cycle. We all set up our own cycles and took photos of them, with the help of our other group members.



Biome Sway – Reflection


Our project in class today was to make a sway on four different biomes as a group. My group for the collaborative sway is Maya, Mitchell, Kennedy, and me. Each of us picked a different biome that is found around the world, that interested us, to research further. We then started the project, each of us with specific roles. Maya had the role of finding videos about each of the biomes for us to use, Mitchell searched for relevant photos, Kennedy found graphs for each biome, and I was assigned the task of siting all our work. We then all researched our biomes individually, putting relevant facts in point form and adding information to our sections of the sway. Our final result, everyone had added their individual information, photos and videos were up, and our information was sited, we had all done our part and finished with a completed sway on four different biomes.

I think, in the end, our process and plan was a success. To begin with, everyone was very helpful and co-operative. We were able to discuss different ideas freely, everyone was open to more ideas, and we were able to combine them together to create the best sway we could. We all shared our strengths with each other and made sure that we were able to help with what we could do best. One little problem we faced was on our communication skills. During this project, some of us were sick, we didn’t know whether or not they were fully completed their part of the sway or not. We trusted that they were going to finish it, but if they told us when they were going to be done we all would’ve had a better idea of when we could completely wrap up the project. In the end, we were able to continue stress-free when we, thankfully, saw the person the next day when they were feeling better. It would’ve been easier to maybe send them a text or an email, I realize that now. In the end, though, we did get it done on time. We were able to work well together and create a collaborative sway about biomes.

Overall, I really enjoyed doing this project. I enjoyed hearing other peoples opinions and perspectives on things rather than just my typical ideas for sway. I tried out different ideas since hearing them from others. It was a very interesting project in the end. It wasn’t very hard, and we had fun while working together. I hope to try another collaborative project in the future.