Loui Riel mock trial project

Loui Riel mock trial project

Unit 7, mock trial of Loui Riel. My role in the mock trial was being a crow lawyer, we were tasked to make arguments about why Loui Riel would have been guilty of high treason by first building arguments by interviewing people and gaining evidence

Most strengths that we showed were in our communication with the witnesses and arguing our case with the other lawyers and communicating with each other as crown lawyers to be organized.

P.H.E Core competency

In this unit, I developed my communication skill in P.H.E and the health unit. ways that I have improved my communication skill is by coordinating and collaborating with others in the dance unit and the gymnastic unit where we had to plan then perform a routine. Another way that I have improved my communication skill is by talking to others whether casual or something very important to them. These are the ways I improved my communication skills in P.H.E.


Grammar video Prepositional Phrases

Prepositions and Prepositional phrases 

A preposition is a word that connects a word in front of it, and the object of preposition. The word in front of it is usually a noun or a verb; an is usually a word that describes the situation better. A proposition could be: 

  • At 
  • on 
  • in 
  • by 

    A prepositional phrase is a phrase that starts with a preposition. Since these are phrases and not complete sentences, these do not include the word in front of the preposition that it is connecting. 

    Examples could be:

    • At the table
    • On the counter
    • By the market
    • For the cat

These are PHRASES and not complete sentences, so the word that the preposition is connecting is not included. Prepositional sentences are everything that I just stated put together. It contains the word the preposition relates, the prepositionand the object of preposition.  Some examples may be: 

  • The cat fell over the Rock 
  • The man waited at the bus stop 
  • The glasses are on the bedside table 

The Blue parts of the sentences are the word the preposition relates, the prepositionand the object of preposition. However, a prepositional sentence may include more than just one prepositional phrase. examples may include: 

  • The cat fell over the rock and into the pool 
  • The man slipped on the banana peel and hit her head on the cement 
  • The lady put her book on the nightstand on the left side of her bed 

Like the examples above, prepositions are used daily by tons of English speakers in their everyday life. 


Quiz questions 

Which one is the Preposition? 

The mug was perfectly standing on the table

  1. mug
  2. standing
  3. on 
  4. table

She had a chilly feeling when she stepped into the ice rink. 

  1. chilly
  2. had
  3. feeling 
  4. into 

The Christmas ornaments were on the ceiling.

  1. on 
  2. ceiling 
  3. head 
  4. her 

the kids sprinted into the building when it started pouring.

  1. kids
  2. into 
  3. building
  4. pouring

It was the most beautiful painting in the exhibit.

  1. beautiful
  2. was
  3. painting
  4. in

Answers down below! 









  1. 3 
  2. 4
  3. 1 
  4. 2 
  5. 4

Indigenous Exploration Project Reflection

My experience creating this project was decent, however, we were not able to record in time in class due to us being last recording on Monday and our schedule busy or not being able to go to school so forcing us to record on our own. 


My group’s path in researching the topic was good. We found our information fairly easily but most of the sites for research did not have the specific residential school we wanted to research so we just decided to google our information instead.  


Some things I learnt during recording were how to use the tools and commands for audacity, for example, CtrlShiftA to select the whole sound and how to connect them together. 


One of the aspects I value in first nation culture was how they considered everything about their environment. Nature, living creaturestheir families, their culture, and even the next seven generations of their great great great-grandchildren and I respect them for that. Being aware of everything. Some of the things I value in my own culture are the importance of Jewelry like my necklace for example that I have been wearing for my entire life which is a jade pendant of the laughing Budda which is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. 


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Climate Change Wonder Questions

1. What questions did you need to research in order to create your presentation?

What is the global greenhouse gases percentage does the farming industry produces?

What are alternatives for meat that we could eat instead?

What are CAFOs and why do they cause so much damage to the environment?

What is the main producers of greenhouse gases in the farming industry?

What are alternative eco-friendly ways to farm cows?

2. What new or familiar tools did you use to try to use as you worked through this?

This was one of the first times I had had experience using sway for a school project making this
difficult for me at first until I slowly understand how to use it.

3. What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify
and cite the information you found?

The process I used to investigate my topics was by first just searching up my questions and trying
to find the most verified information I could find. I copy all the links I used for research and used
Word pasted them into a word document.

4. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done

I had a hard time choosing a topic but I slowly narrowed down the best topic I could research
even though finding legitimate information was hard. If i had chosen my topic faster and
finding well credited information better i would have been able to hand in my work quicker