Week 18 in Precalc – My TOP 5 lessons

In Pre-calc 11, I have learned many things. In this blog post, I have chosen my top 5 favorite lessons I have learnt over my grade 11 journey. I decided to write about this because I want to be able to use this as a reflection of my journey.

  1. Sine Law

I chose this because the Sine law is applicable to all tringles when you have the right values you can solve for any side or angle.

2. Cosine law

I chose this because  like the Sine law the Cosine law is applicable to any triangle when you have the right values, allowing you to solve for any side or angle.

2. Factoring equations

I chose this because factoring is one of the core foundational skills of Pre-calculus without it you couldn’t do the rest

4. – The high school version of the Pythagorean theorem

I chose this because this new version of the Pythagorean theorem because it caused me to re-imagine trigonometry into axis and coordinates.

5. Rationalizing the denominator

I chose this because this was the reason I was able to transfer quadratics from equations to on a graph allowing me to visualize.


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