New France Document Gallery

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Champlain and Quebec 4

crossroads pg 20

this painting by C. W. Jefferys shows Champlain leading a procession to the table at Port-Royal – crossroads pg 20


Baptismal certificate of our Samuel de Champlain

Champlain’s own drawing of a battle with the Haudenosaunee in 1609

Painting showing the arrival of Samuel de Champlain on the future site of Quebec City, 1608

Jesuits and Huron 3

Brébeuf and Lallemant stand ready for boiling water/fire “Baptism”, Flaying

Father Jacques Marquette with the Huron.

The Iroquois and Hurons fighting in 1649

Royal Government 3

Louis de Buade, Comte de Frontenac was the governor general of New France from 1672-1682 and 1689-1698.

Jean Talon, Intendant of New France from 1665-1668 and 1670-1672.

Jean Talon, Bishop François de Laval and several settlers welcome the King’s Daughters upon their arrival.

 Coureurs de Bois 1 


Coureurs De Bois also known as the runners of the woods

Seigneury 3

Habitants often had time to enjoy their surroundings. This painting by James peachy is called A View of the Bridge over the Berthier River. crossroads pg 34

Habitants families were usually quite large, with many children. – crossroads pg 34

Seigneury family dinner.

French vs English – Fur Trade and Fishing 2

Natives trading furs for European goods with the Europeans.

European trading theirs goods for furs with the Natives.

Seven Years War 3

The Death of General Wolfe, painted in 1763 by Edward Penny, a British artist. A surgeon, Thomas Wilkins, tends the stricken general, who is supported by Volunteer James Henderson and watched by Lieutenant Hennery Brown. – crossroads pg 67

Proclamation of War A copy of the declaration of war that in 1744 finally shattered the period of peace that followed the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713

Siege of Louisbourg (1758): British burning warship Prudent and capturing Bienfaisant