My experience working in this group wasn’t we weren’t on task for the most part and my teammates didn’t do a enough research for the project that why we didn’t get a lot of time and not saying I did a whole lot of research myself I could have done a lot more but they didn’t do enough either.
Are groups researching path was basically giving everyone one topic and then they would go a research for their part and we would come together and record
are obstacles was just probably the time we spent on research wasn’t enough, there wasn’t anything new we learnt in recording
Positive and personal Cultural Identity
What are some aspects that you value about this culture, as well as my own: I really do respect everything about the indigenous culture its so cool in it owns way every culture is cool I just think there culture especially is cool I really like how they do everything i think its cool all the songs that they have and they way that they will make stuff and before they cut down tree they will wish it good luck which i just thought was great I don’t even know what my own culture is so i cant say what i value about my own
Thank you for posting your “Indigenous Exploration” audio project (podcast). As the assignment was completed for both English 9 and COL, I have the following feedback for you on the post:
– Some elements of the assignment’s post were not properly uploaded
– Reflection on blog is minimal or missing
– Audio and delivery is lacking in quality
– Podcast is completed, but lacks quantity
Overall, this assignment had some strong characteristics, while some areas could have been improved upon. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you!
Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teacher