Raybe Simpson – One Minute Film

(Video can be viewed here) One Minute Film (Alerik Wang, Jacob Angelozzi, Nick Tang)-A Teacher’s Rewards In our video we detailed the events leading up to what transpires in the short story “A Teacher’s Reward” by Robert Phillips. The short story is about a retired teacher, Ms. Scoffield, who gets a mysterious visit from one…

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The Pedestrian Persuasive Video Assignment – Nick Tang

  https://www.rebootcanada.ca/donate/ https://www.electronicrecyclingassociation.ca/charities/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/11/22/47-percent-of-the-worlds-population-now-use-the-internet-users-study-says/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.6c1b3e627732   Technology is the principle of human development. It can help accomplish a variety of tasks, from typing your resume for your next job application, to being able to access clean water and staying in good health. However, there is a rift separating those who have easy access to technology, for…

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Desmos Art Functions Card 2018

There are many different aspects to this holiday card, from the Christmas stockings on the fireplace to the pulsing star on top of the tree. I encountered many obstacles on the way to making this project but it was always satisfying to overcome them. My first obstacle was making the letter R. I played around…

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World War II Discussion – Nick, Nate, Noah

Questions: In groups of 3, delegate 2 battles for each group member to research find out the causes, components, and consequences of each battle find out how Canada participated in the battle Create a video discussion sharing your findings and coming to a consensus on defining Canada’s role in battle during WWII and your justifications…

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Human Overpopulation Essay

­­Human Overpopulation: Still an Issue of Concern?             Overpopulation. It is the word that makes politicians wince, and is often described as the “elephant in the ­­­­room” in discussions about the future­­ of our planet (“John Guillebaud”). So, is overpopulation a problem that the world should be concerned about? The world’s population has doubled in…

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Population Pyramid of Japan

Population Pyramid Blue = Male | Red = Female 2. Dependency Ratio of Japan = 64.75. Japan has a low dependency ratio due to the high number of workers and lower number of children. High number of people 65+ but falls upward the age group. 3. In Japan, the population is decreasing due to low…

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