An article revealing a heartbreaking truth about man’s best friend took my attention as I browsing on Big Think. I have always been a dog-lover, which is a reason why I was drawn to this content. The writer, Jana Roose, establishes that flat-faced dog breeds such as pugs and boxers suffer painfully because of their genetic defects, or widely seen as their “cuteness.” The characteristics that genetically impaired dogs carry is perceived as cute and unique through people perspective. People are adored by these traits, not knowing the effect they have on the dogs’ health. Jana Roose conveys the news with many statics, popular examples and scientific proofs, which makes the news become more persuasive. In addition, her use of satire leaves an unforgettable impression in me. This untold story reminds me of another article regarding dying chickens for Easter. In both cases, animals are treated poorly; and the actions are encouraged by the increasing demand from the trend embracing their “cuteness.” The cruelty that people obliviously cause to animals should be stopped; the mistake cannot be undone, but it can be prevented from getting worse.
thanks, Nicole – very interesting but so unethical. I liked all the informative hyperlinks in the article.