Reciprocal is the quantity obtained by dividing 1 by a given quantity other than 0. The reciprocal of f(x),, is
The graphing of the reciprocals is a hyperbola.
*In order to graph the reciprocal of a function, we need to find some information:
– Asymptote: the invisible line that the hyperbola slowly reaches without ever touching. In other words, the asymptote is the restriction for the hyperbola.
+ Horizontal asymptote: ,
. With every value of f(x), we will never get
=0. That’s why we have the horizontal asymptote for
as y=0.
+ Vertical asymptote: with , f(x) must be different from 0. That’s why the vertical asymptote will be the value that makes f(x) = 0, which has the same x value of the x-intercept.
– Invariant points: the intersections of the linear/quadratic function and its reciprocal function. Since the reciprocal of 1 is 1, of -1 is -1, the points which has y=1 or y=-1 are the only points that the line/parabola shares with the corresponding hyperbola.
*Based on this information, we can now graph a reciprocal of a linear/quadratic function with this general guidance:
- Draw the original f(x) function (
- Identify the asymptotes.
- Find the invariant points
- The asymptotes create sections on the xy-plane. The hyperbola only exists in the sections which the original function goes through. In each of those sections, draw a curve which goes through the invariant point(s) and gets closer to the asymptotes without touching them.
*Reciprocal of a linear function:
– Draw the original linear function: 4x+3
– Identify asymptotes, which are, in this case, vertical: , horizontal: y=0
– Find the invariant points: (-0.5,1) and (-1,-1)
– Draw the curves/hyperbola.
*Reciprocal of a quadratic function:
- 2 roots:
- 2 roots:
– Draw the original parabola:
– Identify the asymptotes
– Find the invariant points
– Draw the curves/hyperbola:
- 1 root:
- 1 root:
-Draw the original parabola:
– Identify the asymptote:
– Find the invariant points:
– Draw the curves/ hyperbola:
- ***No root:
- ***No root:
This is a special case since there is no x-intercept -> no vertical asymptote. In order to graph this reciprocal, we find the maximum/minimum point of the hyperbola, which is the reciprocal of the y value of the vetex.
– Draw the original parabola:
– The vertex is (0,-1) so the minimum point of the hyperbola will be (0, -1)
– Draw the hyperbola: