Math 10 week 8 Midterms :0

This week in math 10 we practiced about prime numbers, composite numbers, Polynomials and Trigonometry for our up and coming Midterm Exam

we can use a division table to find the lowest common multiple (LCM) in a math problem. I can also find what prime numbers go into that number using the division table.

we can use a number tree to find out what prime numbers go into a big number, for example 620.



 For question a the question in {x^2 +10x +16} we are going to focus on the last variable, (16) we are going to look at all the numbers that multiply into (16), we have 1*16, 2*8, and 4*4. Then we are going to look at the 10x we are going to look at all the multiples of 16 and see if any equal (10) when added together. 2+8 equals 10, so we all know that, that will be the way we get to 16. now we have to expand these equations out x^2 would look like (x)(x). then we add in our +2 and +8 in no specific order. So the equation no looks like (x +2)(x+8). And that is how we expand our equation. there are many methods to solve this equation if you want to check your answer I prefer the DD rule (double distribution rule) the DD rule is where you take the x and the 2 and multiply them one at a time with the other two variables. (X*X)+(X+8)+(2+X)+(2+8) then we have X^2+8x+2x+16 So our final answer would be x^2+10x+16. Which is the same as our original equation.

 In the image we see the Eiffel tower and the shadow it casts onto the person standing at the reference angle. Our job is to figure out the distance the shadow casts along the bottom of the Eiffel tower.

 In the image there are two parts to the equation, the first part is figuring out the height of the cliff, the second part is figuring out the distance between the boat and the top of the cliff if the boat was 75m closer. All we get for our information in these questions are the reference angle (16*) and the floor of the triangle (300m, and 225m).

 in this equation a totem pole is placed into a 2m hole in the ground and has two guy wires holding it up on either side at  an angle of the unknown. We have the opposite and the Hypotenuse, so we will use sign to figure out our missing angle.

I think I am fairly Prepared for this exam and am excited to see how it goes

Paper Planes Edublog

Last week we learned how to figure out which paper aeroplane is the best. My partner and I where doing our Best plane based on the best design for the paper planes. After we figured out what planes we were going to use we made them and then tested them. Here are the three planes we used

The Stealth Glider

The Stunt Plane

The Dart

HCE Visual text

Banksy Mural Satirizing Racism Is Erased After Complaint - The New York  Times

How does the image posted above relate to Respect, Collaboration, and Inclusivity? Let’s find out. Above, the image

shows a group of Crows that are not being very inclusive because they are saying to the other bird in the image a lot of

discriminatory and mean things like “immigrants not welcomed” or go back to Africa” or “keep off our worms” and just

not welcoming this bird to their homes. However, the Crows do seem to be collaborating together to keep this other

bird out of their homes, these Crows are putting in some effort to keep this other bird out. Also, these Crows aren’t

respecting the other bird by not letting him come in to their home, and it seems like the other bird wants to be there

and try to live with the crows but the crows are having none of it and really don’t want this bird to be living with them

for no good reason, it doesn’t look like the other bird did anything monstrous, it looks like the bird just wants to be

there, but again the Crows don’t let him because they don’t want immigrants being the by possible eating all the food,

because we don’t know how much stuff the crows have so they could possibly not have any more room for other birds,

but they don’t go about telling this bird that he can’t live there in the best of ways, the Crows go about telling this bird

that he can’t live there in a very rude way, when there are many more options. Anyway, that is how this image in

my opinion relates to respect collaboration and inclusivity.