Eddy Article – Riverside’s soccer team looks for victory

 Riverside’s soccer team looks for victory 

Riverside’s soccer team looks for there first win this season after rocky start

 By Nathan Donnelly

The Riverside boy’s junior soccer team wouldn’t have a team if it wasn’t for Dave Sherle, the new coach. So far, the team is off to a rocky start and are looking for their first win. 

Ms. Lundgren, the organizer of the soccer team at Riverside, has brought some of the best up and coming soccer players to her team.  

When asked on how the team is performing, Ms. Lungren said that she thinks the team had a rough start, but are getting to know each other and are starting to improve.  

Riverside nearly didn’t have a junior boys’ team, if it wasn’t for Dave Sherle who volunteered his time to make the junior team a possibility. 

Sherle provides excellent training and strategy. 

During the school year the players on the team get to compete against other schools in the SD43 school district.  

Managing can have a few bumps along the way. “There are always players that need to be reminded to register by the deadline, arrange rides to games, or pick up uniforms, it begins to run smoothly after a few weeks,” said Ms. Lundgren. 

Dylan Mueller one of the best players on the team, said the experience has been good, he has made new friends and has learned skills from the coach. 

Covid 19 stopped all school sports from happening last year, so the team is excited to finally get back to competition.  

Unfortunately, due to Covid 19, the team is not practicing currently, but they are playing games twice a week. 

“Overall, a good experience, the students are excited to enjoy school sports again, and I can see this group growing together as they move into their senior years at Riverside,” said Ms. Lundgren. 

Riverside’s soccer program is a great place for students to start a soccer journey. 


Indigenous Podcast – Cold Cases

nOur project is about the story of a woman named Bella Marie Laboucan-Mclean. This project is completed by Lucas Bailey, Nathan Donnelly, Oliver Mcloughlin. The podcast talks about one of the many unsolved cases of missing and murdered indigenous woman in Canada. The steps we took to create this podcast include researching the person, writing the important information about them, recording it, and finally editing it. Our goal of this podcast was to bring awareness to the missing and murdered indigenous woman so that cases like Bella’s do not happen again. 





 Hello, you are listening to Cold cases, brought to you by Lucas Bailey, Oliver McLoughlin, and Nathan Donnelly, where we are going to be talking about the missing and murdered indigenous women of Canada  


In today’s episode we are going to look at the case of Bella Marie  

Laboucan-McLean’s story, and her mysterious death. 


Early Life  


Bella Marie grew up in Sturgeon Lake, with a family of eight, Bella lived with her mom, dad, three older sisters, and 2 younger sisters. 


In her early life she was taught the importance of her culture and traditions. As she grew older, she became very talented at both dancing and artwork. Her goal was to blend the Cree culture with modern fashion into one. 


Bella had a thorough education. She attended Portage College to fine-tune her skills in tanning hide and beadwork before pursuing a degree in Textiles at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. In 2011, she would transfer to Humber College in Toronto and started to work toward a Fashion Arts degree. Her goal upon graduating was to apply to a graduate fashion program in London, England. To earn money, she worked in retail store while looking to move into design or merchandising 


One of her older siters Melina Laboucan-Massimo, is an indigenous rights activist, who speaks against the environmental degradation caused by the Alberta tar sands.  



Bella had a positive outlook on life and always had a smile on her face, she would always tell her friends to focus on and appreciate the little things in life. All her friends say that she was a loving and compassionate woman that was sportive toward her friends and family. Although being an extravert She was known for loving her family and would go home to Alberta to see her family regularly. 


Bella was an active social media user; she was known by her friends as the go-to person for when you wanted to put together a playlist for event or party.  



On the night of July 19th, 2019, Bella was at a nightclub in Toronto. On the early morning of July 20th, she attended an afterparty at Bellas residence located at Toronto city place. She traveled there with three men and two women. 



Her death  



At around 4:55 am a Nabor of Bells that was located on one of the lower Flores called the police to report a unknown disturbance, when the police got to the residence what they saw was a 25-year-old Bella Marie Laboucan-McLean, who  had just fallen 31 stories, to her death. 


Bellas body remained unidentified for 12 hours, while the police tried to identify her. 


There was no I.D. on Bellas corpse witch made the police go  door to door as king if they knew what happened, if they heard anything, and if they knew who she was. All the residents said no as you would expect.   


When they got to Bellas residence there was no answer, so they moved onto the next house, on July 20th, 2019, at around 5pm a man that Bella lived with called to report that she was missing, and hadn’t come home the night before, after this the police quickly identified the body as Bellas and began an investigation. 


The investigation started off with an autopsy being performed on Bellas body and concluded that the cause of death was blunt force Trama consistent with that of falling. 


They continued to say that the death was suspicious, and that they were going to investigate it as if it was a homicide. 


The police got a warrant and searched the condo that she lived in to see if there was any evidence in her condo to support a reason for throwing her thirty one sorties to her death what they saw was, her wallet, purse, and phone  all still in the condo, they then went through the surveillance cameras to identify the people that where at the condo that night of her death.  


After locating them and bringing then in They interrogated all the people but not as suspects but as witnesses due to the lack of evidence they had. 

All the people that were over that night stated that they didn’t see Bella go over the edge, the police found this hard to believe seeing as though there were 6 people in a small condo building.   

Due to a lack of evidence, there was no media coverage on her case, and the inability to show any kind of Thery as to what might have happened that night.   


 We wanted to take a second to thank our sponsor of this podcast. Our sponsor today is Vancity, thanks to VanCity we are able to high quality audio to record this podcast they have also continuously supported the indigenous population in our community’s Vancity believes that the key to success is building trusting relationships, along with 30% of their profits go back into their community’s. 



Moving on, Bella’s story ends on a sad note, due to lack of evidence police have stopped investigating this case. But if you want to help you can call to the Canadian Government and demand these three calls to action to be put in place, because not only do the calls to action lower the chances of another case like Bella’s from happening again, but the calls to action also bring closure to the victim’s family members, here they are. 

The first call to action is number 41, and it states. 

  •  We call upon the federal government, in consultation with Aboriginal organizations, to appoint a public inquiry into the causes of, and remedies for, the disproportionate victimization of Aboriginal women and girls. The inquiry’s mandate would include. Investigation into missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls. 

The second one is number 55, part 6, and it states. 

  • 55. vi. Progress on reducing the rate of criminal victimization of Aboriginal people, including data related to homicide and family violence victimization and other crimes. 

The third and final call to action is number 39, which states. 

  • 39. We call upon the federal government to develop a national plan to collect and publish data on the criminal victimization of Aboriginal people, including data related to homicide and family violence victimization. 


Thank you, all for listening to today’s podcast, just to recap, Bella, grew up on Sturgeon Lake, with a family of eight. Fast forward into the future, and Bella is at a night club getting ready to go to an after party at her place, that’s when things turned bad. Bella was found by police at 4:55am, she fell 31 stories from her apartment. All 5 of the people in the apartment have all said that they did not see anything, that the police found suspicious. However, they did not act on that suspicion, as police have no longer investigated this case, as there is not enough evidence to prosecute anyone, making this a cold case. 

we hope we were able to explain what has happened to one of many missing indigenous women around Canada, tune in again, goodbye. 



Commission of Canada “Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action” https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/british-columbians-our-governments/indigenous-people/aboriginal-peoples-documents/calls_to_action_english2.pdf 2 June 2008 accessed 4 October 2021. 


Ira Belsky “Royalty-Free Music & SFX for Video Creators” https://artlist.io Na, Na, 2015 accessed 5 October 2021. 


CBC News “Unresolved: Bella Marie Laboucan-Mclean” https://www.cbc.ca/missingandmurdered/mmiw/profiles/bella-marie-laboucan-mclean 20 July 2013, accessed 5 October 2021 


“The death of Bella Marie Laboucan-McLean” Stories of the Unsolved https://storiesoftheunsolved.com/2019/03/11/the-death-of-bella-marie-laboucan-mclean/ (2019, July 16) Accessed October 15, 2021 


The Globe and Mail “How a Cree woman fell to death, and no one saw anything”  https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/how-a-cree-woman-fell-to-death-and-no-one-saw-anything/article22167039/ 19 December 2014 accessed 5 October 2021. 

“Find Free Psd Ai Eps Graphic Items” Download Free Psd Ai Eps Graphic Design Files RSS 19 October 2020, accessed 12 October 2021 https://flevix.com/vector-frozen-blood-background/ 




Evil Robot Monkey News story


Ultra Intelligent Monkey Throws fit at Phillip Johnson Institute! 

Nathan Donnelly 


Last week, a mechanically enhanced monkey made quite the scene at Phillip Johnson Institute, during a tour, the monkey wrote foul language directed at children.  

Mid-afternoon the monkey was using a potter’s wheel to sculpt clay, when the monkey got spooked by a loud BANG, destroying the monkey’s pottery.

Out of rage the monkey hurled the clay at the children from behind a glass window and wrote a slur at the children.  

The children’s parents were not happy about Sly the monkey’s behaviour complaining about it to the school board. 

In an interview the monkey stated, “that he just wanted to make pottery, but those darn kids just had to bother me.” 

The school will decide if Sly the monkey should still be included on these tours. 

Technology self-portrait

Nathan Donnelly  

English 10 

17 September 2021 

Mr. Barazzoul 

Technology Self Portrait 

In Nathan Donnelly’s self-portrait, it shows the different types of media Donnelly uses. For example, Donnelly spends a lot of time on a laptop, using it for entertainment like YouTube or Netflix, however Donnelly also uses a laptop to complete English assignments from a great schoolteacher. Donnelly also has an Xbox, which he uses to play videogames to relax after a long day at school. Donnelly also uses a phone to listen to music and with a phone, “[ Donnelly can] call a friend from … across the world” (Kipling 13). However, he would need friends first. Donnelly consumes a verity of media including traditional media, like the radio, which Donnelly listens to on his way to school. Donnelly reads books for school projects and assignments, for creditable information. Donnelly uses snapchat to communicate and share pictures with his friends and family. Donnelly also uses google search to access any website imaginable, but Donnelly only goes on entertainment websites like Netflix and YouTube, and websites that give all the information needed for school projects. That is a bit about the media Donnelly consumes, and the devices and apps Donnelly uses. 




Works cited 

Kipling Rudyard “The Secret of the Machines”  

Poetry foundation, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46786/the-secret-of-the-machines Accessed 18 September 2021. 

Media Research-Duolingo


Media Research-Duolingo 

Duolingo was made in 2012, by Luis Van Ahn, who is now the co-founder, and CEO, of Duolingo. Severin Hacker is the other co-founder of Duolingo. Duolingo was made in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and its original purpose “was to create a language learning app that was free for people to use” (Smale 2020). Now a days Duolingo is a fun free way to learn nineteen different languages, even languages that are not real. Duolingo in the future has plans to become an educational game, “Duolingo uses a gamification system to encourage users to continue learning” (Viktor 2021). Duolingo teaches students, teaches, immigrants, or anyone who wants to learn a new language. One may ask how Duolingo makes money if it is free, well, “Duolingo makes money via a premium subscription, display ads, as well as its language proficiency tests. The company operates under a freemium business model” (Viktor 2021). Duolingo is a website for anyone who knows how to read, write, speak and a willing to learn a new language. One jargon word for Duolingo is Duolingo. Some facts about Duolingo, are that there is 1 employee for every two million people that use Duolingo, another fact is that there are over 120 million people that use Duolingo, or have it installed. Another fact is that Duolingo teaches two fake languages this includes High Valyrian, and Klingon. Overall Duolingo is a decent way to learn a language, however Duolingo lacks the ability to make one fluent in the language that one is trying to learn. 





  1. https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/33809133/The-History-of-Duolingo#:~:text=Luis%20Von%20Ahn%20wanted%20to,feature%20has%20since%20been%20removed. 
  1. https://productmint.com/duolingo-business-model-how-does-duolingo-make-money/#:~:text=Duolingo%20makes%20money%20via%20a,under%20a%20freemium%20business%20model.&text=Founded%20in%202011%20and%20based,most%20popular%20language%2Dlearning%20platform 
  1. https://support.duolingo.com/hc/en-us/articles/204829090-What-is-Duolingo- 
  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51208154#:~:text=Bringing%20on%20board%20linguistics%20and,including%20English%2C%20French%20and%20Spanish 





  1. https://www.duolingo.com/learn 
  1. https://www.lifewire.com/duolingo-review-1357041 
  1. https://www.pcmag.com/reviews/duolingo 





Paper Planes Edublog

Last week we learned how to figure out which paper aeroplane is the best. My partner and I where doing our Best plane based on the best design for the paper planes. After we figured out what planes we were going to use we made them and then tested them. Here are the three planes we used

The Stealth Glider

The Stunt Plane

The Dart

New Media Intro

One may ask what makes new media, new media? Well new media is any sort of media that is on demand and interactive. Traditional media is media that is just demand or interactive or on demand, or it may be none of the two options. Another asked question is how is media consumption, fragmented? Well first we must figure out what is fragmented media. Fragmented media is media displayed or consumed through Traditional and new media, whether that be watching the news, or reading a book, fragmented media can also mean other peoplenot just one individual that uses these devices for their own type of media. Next how can we consume media in a healthier way, here are a few examples, Read a book. Go for a leisurely stroll around a museum. Take part in a bit of quiet, thoughtful one-on-one conversation” [Donovan]. Furthermore, there is a project in development call the media pyramid, and no it is not a scam here is “the pyramid spells out what media is good and bad for you by placing them on six different levels. The aforementioned good stuff sits at the bottom, on the “Actualization” level; things like art and music and theater and reading. The bad media — like, say, Infowars (link intentionally not being provided) — is in that tiny little point at the top, labelled “Info-Toxic-ation, where lies and falsehoods live” [Faris, Donovan]. Finally, we are going to look at what techniques we can use when selecting resources to gather information, and one good method I can recommend is the CRAAP test which is Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose.