Week 1 in math 10 – Prime Numbers

This week in math 10 we learned about prime numbers, composite numbers, division table and number tree.

we can use a division table to find the lowest common multiple (LCM) in a math problem. I can also find what prime numbers go into that number using the division table.

we can use a number tree to find out what prime numbers go into a big number, for example 620.

I did not know what a division table was until now, and I can say it is very helpful.

CLE Self Reflection

Self Reflection

if link doesn’t work.

during this semester in CLE I learned alot about becoming an adult and the responsibilities that follow. One assignment I can think about when reflecting on my growth this year would be my “finances” assignment, this assignment required me to figure out how much my food, taxes and recreational activities in my life would cost. I had to figure out how much my weekly wage of a realistic job at that point in my life would be, and then base my life on how much I am earning, I had to find a reasonable house to live in, a car I can afford, and how much my food costs. During this project I used critical thinking to make decisions that could have an affect on my life. During this project I had to find out all of the finances I could experience in my later years of life and how to make a good budget around it, and find a good job that can support me. Overall I would say I gained a lot from this project growing as a student and person that can contribute to society.

1984 Documentary

1984 Documentary process

This project was a lot of fun, putting together the power point was a good break from the near endless typing of the milanote. This project challenged my critical and creative thinking to deliver a interesting yet informative documentary. I would say the hardest part of the project was writing the script, as I needed it to be long enough to met the suggested time given, but not put too much information making the documentary dry and boring. Some of the struggles I encountered with this project was finding a good editing software, as my computer cannot download anything that uses “windows” or “mac” but other than that small inconvenience I really enjoyed doing this project.




Simple Machines:


-Inclined Plane




Types of Energy

  • Sound energy
  • Kinetic/Mechanical energy
  • Electric energy
  • Gravitational energy
  • Thermal energy
  • Elastic energy


step 1. My phone vibrates causing a ball to roll off the phone onto a wedge. (sound and electric transfers to kinetic energy.)

step 2. The ball jumps across the gap onto a inclined plane. (Kinetic energy.)

step 3. the ball rolls onto a pulley system and due to the new weight the pulley falls. (kinetic transfers to gravitational energy.)

step 4. The pulley falls onto a inclined plane causing the ball to roll down into a corkscrew. (Gravitational transfers to kinetic.)

step 5. The ball’s speed increases while going down the corkscrew, after exiting the corkscrew the ball hits paper causing a tea bag to fall. (Kinetic transfers to elastic energy, which then transfers to gravitational.)

step 6. The tea bag falls into a hot cup of water (elastic energy transfers to gravitational energy, which then transfers to thermal energy.)

1984 Symbols

Symbol – has two meanings 

Denotative meaning:  

Deno = (dictionary meaning) 

Connotative meaning: 

Cono = (Implied meaning) 


3 types of symbols 

Cultural symbol: product of a culture  

Universal symbol: Globally accepted symbol 

Personal symbol: means something to an individual, or to a specific group. 

1984 Setting

Physical Setting:

“there seemed to be no colour in anything” (pg 4)

“He was in a narrow street, with a few dark little shops, interspersed among dwelling-houses.” (pg. 118)

“Winston followed her, he found that they were in a natural clearing, a tiny grassy knoll surrounded by tall saplings that shut it in completely.” (pg. 150) 

Emotional Setting:

“In the trucks little yellow men in shabby greenish uniforms were squatting, jammed close together.” 

A long line of trucks, with wooden-faced guards armed with sub-machine guns standing upright in each corner, was passing slowly down the street.”


His heart leapt. Scores of times she had done it: he wished it had been hundreds—thousands. Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. (Pg 158)

Political Spectrum – “1984” Big Brother

) What is the political spectrum?

The political spectrum is a system to classify different political positions to others. The Political spectrum is uses an axis to figure out what characteristics the governments relate too.

What is the difference between left and right politics?

Left politics seek better social and economic equality, if a government is far left they are typically communist and socialist. Governments on the right wing typically have more conservative views, keeping the ways they have now, or revert back to an older way of government. Far right is used for governments that have more oppressive and fascist ideologies.

What  is the difference between authoritarian and libertarian governments?

an authoritarian government typically run where the government has most or all control over the country or province.

a libertarianism government gives more freedom to the people, and allow for more decisions to be made by the people.

Where does the government of Ingsoc and Big Brother fit along the political quadrant scale? Explain.

I think big brother and Ingsoc fit in the top left, as they control all the information, what you eat, and what you wear, Big Brother fits in the top as they are the government/dictator and have all the power over the people they control. The government in Big Brother can make any decision that they feel like, they have the freedom to do whatever they want.

Identifying a Dystopia (Being Pretty)

a) What is a dystopian society?

A dystopian society is a society that wants you to follow their way of life, they will make you feel small and helpless without them. A dystopian society appears perfect from afar, but take a closer look and you will see how incredibly controlling the societies ruler is over the citizens. A dystopian society typically takes place in the future, and has little to no nature. Dystopias have most the citizens equal, or very similar.

b) What are the characteristics of a dystopian society?

Propaganda: used to control the citizens of society.
• freedom and thoughts are controlled.
• A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.
• Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.
• Citizens have a fear of the outside world.
• Citizens live in a dehumanized state.
• The citizens believe their city, or community is perfect.

c) What are some examples of dystopian societies within popular culture (films, movies, books, etc)?

The giver, The matrix, Blade Runner, The Handmaid’s Tale, ETC.

d) Introduce the short, animated film, “Model Citizens” or “Being Pretty,” by Dead Sound and discuss how it fits the dystopian genre.

In the short film “Being Pretty” we see the town of  Autodale, and the citizen that reside in the town. Each person in Autodale must act the same, and are always under surveillance. In the video we see a TSA, where the news reporter shows what happens to the “ugly” and how they deal with them. The ugly are the people in the society that the ruler deemed unworthy or less valuable than the rest of the community.

New Media – Spoken Word


Reflecting back on this project, I would say it was difficult for me to film, and find information. I encountered continuous hurdles trying to record, and get the right time. I would either mess up the lines, have someone walk in and interrupt, or it would be too short. This project, although difficult, was also a good learning experience. Something that I thought went well was how the words all flowed nicely, and smoothly. Editing the video took a bit of time as my computer wasn’t able to download certain apps, so I had to find and learn a new app. When I figured out how to use the app it was fairly simple to edit. Overall, I believe this project helped me to gain experience making videos and overcoming challenges. If I were to do this project again, I would try to go more in-depth with the editing, make my words more expressive, and expand the length of the video. 



Hello, I’m Nathan Donnelly and today’s topic is  

Technology, making society lazy? 


Technology has made a whole lot of difference in our society today 

 But it has also transformed people into lazy bones 

These days, people don’t need to run errands no more 

they push a button on their phones 

We call it convenient, or are we just hiding the fact technology makes us lazy 

Everything we used to be able to do in person 

We can do online 

Technology has made life easier for lazy people 

And is making every person lazier 

Suppressing our abilities to do stuff hands on 

Technology is creating an environment where we don’t need to leave our houses 

Technology is also affecting people’s activity levels, as more and more people stop doing sports and activities, the more and more time people spend online 


I will admit  

Technology has also done a lot of good for our society 

 being able to contact family and friends around the world 

Being able to promote your business on social media 

Look up any information on an encyclopaedia 

Catching up on any news media 

And much, much more 

It’s crazy how good technology can be 

But if your time on technology goes unmanaged 

It will turn you into 

A lazy, and unhealthy person 

Sitting inside all day, not moving 

Removing ourselves from society 

Our lives run out of variety 

Each day we spend on our phones 

The longer we postpone our life 


Take it from me when I say technology “can” make us lazy 

My brother is lazy 

Driving our parent’s crazy 

Spends all day in his room 

If you take away his device 

It’s like you stabbed him with a knife 

When our parents ask him to do a chore 

It’s like someone broke his leg and he can’t move no more 

Spends all his time on his device 

The mess in his room is enough to attract mice 

I give this example as advice 

For what technology can do to  

People like you and me, you can disagree 

But it’s a fact that technology “can” make us lazy 


Most of us go home to our rooms 

 watching videos, and playing games 

Not doing a thing, except checking your phone when you hear a ding 

Wasting time on things that have no meaning 

Spending our hours watching people do what we can’t do 

But that’s not true we can do whatever we set our minds too 

But we have become so lazy  

We no longer have a clue 

On what we can and cannot do 


Facts show that people  

spend on average 5 hours 

A day on technology 

That number is only going to keep rising 

Unless we decide to make a change 

It’s time to rearrange 

Try and occupy our lives with different things 

At first it will be strange, but keep working hard 

Get active, interactive with people on and off the screen 

So put away those devices  

And get out there, make connections 

Not to WIFI but with people and recreation 


Thank you all for listening hope you have been informed on how technology can turn any of us into lazy people – goodbye 


I wonder – Project

What indicators could scientists use to figure out how and when our galaxy will end?

Milky Way Destined for Head-On Collision | NASA

The Indicators

Scientist have been observing all the disasters that could happen to our galaxy in the future. Approximately four billion years from now, our galaxy, the Milky Way, will collide head on with our large spiraled neighbor, Andromeda. Which will destroy the Milky Way galaxy. Our galaxy colliding with the Andromeda is the most likely way our galaxy will end. Scientists at NASA use the Hubble Space Telescope’s to get a deep view of the universe and the galaxies that are near us. Scientist believe that our solar system will out live our galaxies annihilation. They have measured how far the Andromeda is from earth, which is 2.5 million light-years away. Back in the early 1900, Vesto Slipher measured the radial velocity of the Andromeda, he calculated the speed at which the galaxy was moving toward our galaxy, which was 110 km per second, even at that incredible speed the Andromeda won’t collide with our universe for another four billion years.


What would happen?

The collision between the Andromeda and Milky Way would form a new larger galaxy, and would be a stunning spectacle to see. Rather than being a spiral shaped galaxy like its neighbors, the new galaxy would end up as a giant elliptical, which have the shape of ellipsoidal, and contain tens of millions and ever trillions of stars. This new galaxy would be called the Milkdromeda. Scientist speculate that earth and our solar system will survive the ending of our universe, however scientist can’t know for sure.

Why is this important?

the ending of our universe won’t affect us now, and no one really knows how it will affect the future of earth and humanity. But scientists theories that it will be a stunning visual sight, for what remains on earth. Our galaxy will no longer be a spiral galaxy, but will form a new super galaxy called the Milkdromeda. This is important as it will change how our galaxy works. The ending of our galaxy is very important, it will affect how we learn about our galaxy, but could also affect earth, and the solar system we are in. Scientist are still learning about the Andromeda and what will happen when it finally does collide with us. When this event does happen it will open many new opportunities to learn about our galaxy and space.


  • The Andromeda is moving towards us at 110 km per second!
  • the Andromeda is 2.5 million light-years away.
  • our solar system will not be destroyed by the Andromeda, only our galaxy will.
  • The new galaxy will be called the Milkdromeda

Cites Sourced

Self Assessment Science Wonder Project

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