Week 9 Math 10, X and Y Intwr

This week in math 10, we learnt about X and Y intercepts.


The X and Y intercept is the point where a line crosses the x axis (horizontal), and the y intercept is the point where a line crosses the y axis(vertical). When a line crosses either the x or y axis, there is always a 0 in the coordinate. An x intercept always has a Y value of 0, and it is same for the Y intercept except instead of Y having a value of 0 it is X. When the line crosses the y-axis, it is a point with a x-value of 0. For example, a X and Y coordinate would be written like; (3,0) (0,3).


here is an equation, that we have to determine the x intercept, and the y intercept. Here is an example of how that can be solved.


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