Math 10 – week 5: Trigonometry

This week in Math 10 we are studying for a unit test, and I was getting all of the uncompleted questions done so I would be able to build muscle memory on how to do these equations and formulas.


In the image we see the Eiffel tower and the shadow it casts onto the person standing at the reference angle. Our job is to figure out the distance the shadow casts along the bottom of the Eiffel tower.

In the image there are two parts to the equation, the first part is figuring out the height of the cliff, the second part is figuring out the distance between the boat and the top of the cliff if the boat was 75m closer. All we get for our information in these questions are the reference angle (16*) and the floor of the triangle (300m, and 225m).

in this equation a totem pole is placed into a 2m hole in the ground and has two guy wires holding it up on either side at  an angle of the unknown. We have the opposite and the Hypotenuse, so we will use sign to figure out our missing angle.

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