Week 4 – Math 10, Trigonometry

This week in math 10, we continued to develop our understanding of triangles and how to solve them if you do not know the reference angles number.

in the image we see X is our unknown variable for our reference angle, to determine the reference angle we must use one of the SOH CAH TOA formulas to get our answer, we can use simple process of elimination to figure out which one we must use. We do not have a number for the adjacent so we can rule out cosign and tangent, meaning that we must use sign as our formula to figure out the equation.

We did extra practice to sharpen our skills at solving triangles when you don’t know any of the sides.

And here is another example of how to solve when you don’t know the number for the reference angle. This time we use Cosign and we need to isolate X to get our answer, so we have to do the opposite of cosign which is cosign^-1, which will make the equation {X=cos^-1 (40/41)}.

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