Political Spectrum – “1984” Big Brother

) What is the political spectrum?

The political spectrum is a system to classify different political positions to others. The Political spectrum is uses an axis to figure out what characteristics the governments relate too.

What is the difference between left and right politics?

Left politics seek better social and economic equality, if a government is far left they are typically communist and socialist. Governments on the right wing typically have more conservative views, keeping the ways they have now, or revert back to an older way of government. Far right is used for governments that have more oppressive and fascist ideologies.

What  is the difference between authoritarian and libertarian governments?

an authoritarian government typically run where the government has most or all control over the country or province.

a libertarianism government gives more freedom to the people, and allow for more decisions to be made by the people.

Where does the government of Ingsoc and Big Brother fit along the political quadrant scale? Explain.

I think big brother and Ingsoc fit in the top left, as they control all the information, what you eat, and what you wear, Big Brother fits in the top as they are the government/dictator and have all the power over the people they control. The government in Big Brother can make any decision that they feel like, they have the freedom to do whatever they want.

One thought on “Political Spectrum – “1984” Big Brother

  1. Thank you for sharing your insights on 1984 and in particular the political spectrum and how Big Brother (Ingsoc) fits within this scale.

    – Provides good insight on the spectrum, the difference between left and right ideologies, as well as libertarian and authoritarian governments is well illustrated
    – Good plotting of where this government fits

    Thank you for posting,

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