Identifying a Dystopia (Being Pretty)

a) What is a dystopian society?

A dystopian society is a society that wants you to follow their way of life, they will make you feel small and helpless without them. A dystopian society appears perfect from afar, but take a closer look and you will see how incredibly controlling the societies ruler is over the citizens. A dystopian society typically takes place in the future, and has little to no nature. Dystopias have most the citizens equal, or very similar.

b) What are the characteristics of a dystopian society?

Propaganda: used to control the citizens of society.
• freedom and thoughts are controlled.
• A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.
• Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.
• Citizens have a fear of the outside world.
• Citizens live in a dehumanized state.
• The citizens believe their city, or community is perfect.

c) What are some examples of dystopian societies within popular culture (films, movies, books, etc)?

The giver, The matrix, Blade Runner, The Handmaid’s Tale, ETC.

d) Introduce the short, animated film, “Model Citizens” or “Being Pretty,” by Dead Sound and discuss how it fits the dystopian genre.

In the short film “Being Pretty” we see the town of  Autodale, and the citizen that reside in the town. Each person in Autodale must act the same, and are always under surveillance. In the video we see a TSA, where the news reporter shows what happens to the “ugly” and how they deal with them. The ugly are the people in the society that the ruler deemed unworthy or less valuable than the rest of the community.

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