New Media – Spoken Word


Reflecting back on this project, I would say it was difficult for me to film, and find information. I encountered continuous hurdles trying to record, and get the right time. I would either mess up the lines, have someone walk in and interrupt, or it would be too short. This project, although difficult, was also a good learning experience. Something that I thought went well was how the words all flowed nicely, and smoothly. Editing the video took a bit of time as my computer wasn’t able to download certain apps, so I had to find and learn a new app. When I figured out how to use the app it was fairly simple to edit. Overall, I believe this project helped me to gain experience making videos and overcoming challenges. If I were to do this project again, I would try to go more in-depth with the editing, make my words more expressive, and expand the length of the video. 



Hello, I’m Nathan Donnelly and today’s topic is  

Technology, making society lazy? 


Technology has made a whole lot of difference in our society today 

 But it has also transformed people into lazy bones 

These days, people don’t need to run errands no more 

they push a button on their phones 

We call it convenient, or are we just hiding the fact technology makes us lazy 

Everything we used to be able to do in person 

We can do online 

Technology has made life easier for lazy people 

And is making every person lazier 

Suppressing our abilities to do stuff hands on 

Technology is creating an environment where we don’t need to leave our houses 

Technology is also affecting people’s activity levels, as more and more people stop doing sports and activities, the more and more time people spend online 


I will admit  

Technology has also done a lot of good for our society 

 being able to contact family and friends around the world 

Being able to promote your business on social media 

Look up any information on an encyclopaedia 

Catching up on any news media 

And much, much more 

It’s crazy how good technology can be 

But if your time on technology goes unmanaged 

It will turn you into 

A lazy, and unhealthy person 

Sitting inside all day, not moving 

Removing ourselves from society 

Our lives run out of variety 

Each day we spend on our phones 

The longer we postpone our life 


Take it from me when I say technology “can” make us lazy 

My brother is lazy 

Driving our parent’s crazy 

Spends all day in his room 

If you take away his device 

It’s like you stabbed him with a knife 

When our parents ask him to do a chore 

It’s like someone broke his leg and he can’t move no more 

Spends all his time on his device 

The mess in his room is enough to attract mice 

I give this example as advice 

For what technology can do to  

People like you and me, you can disagree 

But it’s a fact that technology “can” make us lazy 


Most of us go home to our rooms 

 watching videos, and playing games 

Not doing a thing, except checking your phone when you hear a ding 

Wasting time on things that have no meaning 

Spending our hours watching people do what we can’t do 

But that’s not true we can do whatever we set our minds too 

But we have become so lazy  

We no longer have a clue 

On what we can and cannot do 


Facts show that people  

spend on average 5 hours 

A day on technology 

That number is only going to keep rising 

Unless we decide to make a change 

It’s time to rearrange 

Try and occupy our lives with different things 

At first it will be strange, but keep working hard 

Get active, interactive with people on and off the screen 

So put away those devices  

And get out there, make connections 

Not to WIFI but with people and recreation 


Thank you all for listening hope you have been informed on how technology can turn any of us into lazy people – goodbye 


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