Fictional safety story


 Safety Goggles – To be worn when told to protect your eyes. 

Rubber gloves – To be worn when told to protect your hands. 

Beaker – used to hold different chemicals with a pacific measurement. 

Eyewash station – used to clean out eyes if any chemicals get in them. 

Showerhead – used to wash your whole body off any substances.   



 One day, during science class. We were doing a lab that involves hydrofluoric acid and metal. When we first arrived Mr., Robinson explained the experiment and went over the safety and procedure in case of an emergency. First, we put on our safety goggles and rubber gloves to protect us from any chemicals or materials. We then grabbed the fluorocarbon container instead of a beaker to hold the acid. After that we grabbed a piece of metal to be submerge in the acid. Once we started our experiment, I noticed that there where multiple hazard signs I didn’t know the meaning of. When I dropped the metal into the hydrofluoric acid some of it splashed out onto the desk and into my eyes, so I ran and told the teacher, and I used the eyewash station for 15 minutes and right beside me was this showerhead if you ever got on fire. Mr. Robinson cleaned up the desk cautiously and safely. By the time I got back to my experiment the metal completely dissolved and it was very cool. As we were cleaning up the experiment, I dumped the acid down the sink without any thought and soon released the sink and drainage were made of metal, but it was too late for anything to be done. When I got home from school, I felt Quilty but wanted to study what those hazard signs on the container meant. The next day Mr. Robinson found the disaster and gave us a lecture on how much money it was going to cost to get it fixed and why it was dangerous not to tell him. I still have not confessed because I didn’t want my parents to know about it and I didn’t want them to be charged for the damage, but I really wanted to confess and get it off my chest.     



  1. What is this symbol’s definition: Flame inflammable materials or substances that can self ignite when exposed to water or air, or which emit flammable gas.
  2. What is this symbol’s definition: Environment chemicals toxic to the environment and wildlife
  3. What is this symbol’s definition: Image result for consumer hazard symbols chemicals with explosive properties
  4. What is this symbol’s definition: Image result for consumer hazard symbols  substances that are harmful to humans if they are inhaled, ingested or they encounter skin. 



 The ethical Delima a chose was should we colonize other planets. If we colonize another planets human might mess it up. For example, say there’s other life on that planet and we kill them just because we pass on disease to them our immune system can handle but there’s can’t. But on the other hand, our planet isn’t going to last forever, and we will need to colonize another planet for



Fume hood – room 203 

Emergency shower – room 201 

First aid attendant – Mr. Colombo (room 119), Mr. Barazzual (portable 1) 

Fire alarm – near stairs 

Neutrino innovation


Define- The challenge I have been given is making a clean renewable energy source that is cost effective and could replace fossil fuels. But before I started researching about clean energy, I needed a better understanding of why fossil fuels need to be replaced and the more I looked into it the more I realized how serious this problem is. For example, burning fossil fuels also generates localized air pollutants such as soot that increase the risk of death from stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory illness among those exposed. After I could define how bad fossil fuels are for the environment, I needed to discover what has already been created or being created.



Discover- With lots of research I figured out that subatomic particle called a neutrino is capable of creating energy without emitting greenhouse gasses. Scientists have been studying them science the late 1900s and they have figured out how to detect them but not yet using them to create an efficient energy source. There are many variants of detectors, but I personally thought the chlorine detectors were my favourite because the neutrinos react with the

chlorine- 37 atom and coverts it into an argon 37 atom.



  • Turn off the lights
  • Using new energy sources
  • Use appliances with the ENERGY STAR label
  • Reuse products
  • Take public transportation


Debrief- With my prototype I did really well on generating a creative idea and bringing it alive in Minecraft. I also think I did well on researching about neutrinos. One thing I could have improved on is having better time management. I found myself struggling on what to work on first and that made me rush through everything.


“What’s a Neutrino?” All Things Neutrino,

“Neutrino.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 May 2021,

“Neutrino Detector.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Mar. 2021,

Effects of Fossil Fuels on Human Health- The Bigger Picture.

“What Is Clean Energy? How Does It Work? Why Is It so Important?” TWI,


Climate Change in the Yukon Tundra

A warmer climate could seriously change tundra landscapes and what species are able to live in them. Releasing methane from permafrost feeds the thawing cycle which changes soil temperature and prevent snow from reflecting out heat. Air pollution also affects the tundra environments. A recent study found that Arctic clouds are sensitive to air pollution, which causes clouds to form and that creates a sort of blanket effect. Another effects of air pollution are combustions settling on snow, making it harder to reflect sunlight and causing faster melting. The oil, gas, and mining industries also play a part in climate change. Drilling wells can thaw permafrost, construction can damage soil and prevent vegetation from returning. in the 1980s, an oil and gas testing company left tracks on the tundra that are still visible decades later. With all these activities causing climate change, it may seem as if we have no hope but if  we start to stay away from fossil fuels and put in place protections for certain species and regions while limiting or banning industrial activity the Yukon tundra climate want have to face the drastic impacts of climate change

Modelling Mitosis

Interphase: Is when the cell grows and copies its DNA before moving into mitosis. It is actually the longest part of the cell cycle and can take from 18-20 hours   

Prophase: Is the first stage of cell division, before metaphase, during which the chromosomes become visible as paired chromatids and the nuclear envelope disappears.

Pro Metaphase: Is the second phase of mitosis, the process that separates the duplicated genetic material carried in the nucleus of a parent cell into two identical daughter cells

Metaphase: Is when the chromosomes condense and become distinguishable as they align in the centre of the dividing cell.

Anaphase: Is when the chromosomes move toward the poles of the spindle.

Telophase: Is when the chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell and two nuclei are formed.


Cytokinesis: Is when the cytoplasm splits into two equal halves, and the cell becomes two daughter cells.