Compare and Contrast Essay

Compare and Contrast Essay

Nathan Budzak



Both authors’ have different messages for both stories. The 2 stories are called Long Long After School by Ernest Buckler and A Teachers Reward by Robert Phillips. Long Long After School is a story that has to do with a teacher dying and a student named Wes calling her beautiful. A Teacher’s Reward is about a former student named Raybe who went to meet his former teacher after he got out of jail to get a bit of payback for what she did to him. My Goal for this essay is to explain what the authors of both stories are trying to explain and to prove that they are explaining what I am talking about.


Although the stories have different messages, they are also very similar at the same time in a lot of aspects, both stories have things to do with discrimination because Raybe and Wes both got discriminated a lot in both stories. Quoted from the story “Baby Raybe” is what the teacher called Raybe because of what she thought of him and Wes got discriminated in the form of racism. Quoted from the book “Wes has dirty hands” that is a form of Racism because Wes is African American and that is referring to his skin color.


They are very similar in terms of discrimination being the message the overall discrimination is very different in both stories. In Long Long After School Wes is being discriminated in the form of racism which is a very different from A Teachers Reward. Raybe is made fun of and joked for not having as much money and not being able to keep himself looking as nice as the other students even the teacher Miss Scofield, made fun of him which is why Raybe was so affected by everything. Wes had a different story he had a good teacher that he really liked to the point that he called her beautiful from the inside. This is very different from both stories.


Both kids that were in both ended very scarred in end especially Raybe, Although Wes ended up better then Raybe did, but they were both affected. Raybe ended up in jail as said in the book when Miss Scofield though Raybe was joking when Raybe said “you try staying in jail for 10 years”. Although Wes ended up better, he still went through a lot. He was at the brink of suicide because he was so angry, but in the end, he was just happy he got to meet and talk to Miss Scofield.

But in the end, both authors have different meanings and messages in both stories both do have similar meanings at time which have to do with discrimination. But they are different types of discrimination. Raybe got discriminated in the form that he couldn’t look as nice as everyone else and Wes got discriminated for being African American and not the same race as everyone else. As said in the story Raybe got called “Baby Raybe” and went to prison for 10 years while Wes was called out for having “dirty hands” as said in the story because he was African American.

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