Socials Rant By Nathan And Logan

Logan’s Items



TED Talk or Rant Project Organizer

Part A:

1) What innovations or new systems made the Agricultural Revolution possible and what were their effects? In what ways is it still present today? How is it different today? (Crossroads – Chapter 7 – pg 231-234)

Innovation or System

Effects in the 1700s

Presence Today (similarities)

Differences Today

Seed Drill

-Drilled holl in the soil.

-Plaised the seeds in the holes that wore dug.

-Covers the seeds back up by pushing the soile onto them.

-Drills holes in the soil.

– Plaises seeds in the holes that wore dug.

-Covers the seeds with soile. 

-Ajusting the the hite to dill so the different seeds can get the nutrients they need.


-Made from mettle.


4 Crop Rotation

-2crops (wheat and Barly).

-1 crop of clover.

-1 crop of roots (turnips).

Use the four diffrent crops. 

More affective because it’s done with machines.


Instead of lots of small strips oned by lots of people those strips wore in closed and oned by one person kicking out the other frames.

The enclosure land system is still used to day.

Still squares.

More food produce.

New mashiens to harvest the crops.

Not as much closed off.

Selective Breeding 

Instead of having all of the animals in one pen to breed randomly they took out the best breeds and breed them.

We still breed the best of are animals.

They will look completely difrent to when theystarted.

We started breeding plants.

Cash Crops

Befor people would just grow food for themselfs and no extra. With the invention of the seed drill it opened up the opertunity to make more food and sell it.

We still make food to sell.

We have discovered many new foods, we can bring food all around the world.


2) How did the Agricultural Revolution pave the way for the Industrial Revolution? (Crossroads – Chapter 7 – pg 235)

The Agriultura Revoltural Revolution paved the way or the Industrial Revolution becaus with the seed drill morafishantly planting seeds and the 4 crop rotation plants where abel to be grown better and quicker. With all the extra time the farmers could think about things instead of just work, and because so mush food was being grown some people didn’t have to fared envy more


3) How has the Agricultural Revolution impacted us today?



Lots of food, not everyone is a farmer, time to relax, don’t have to rely on nature to make us money, new animals, new adventions 

Overe population, polution, trying to get to much out of the earth and not giving enough back,


Part B:

1) What are the major innovations or systems that were new to the Industrial Revolution and what were their effects? (Crossroads – Chapter 7 – pg 236-244) In what ways is it still present today? How is it different today?

Innovation or System


Presence Today (similarities)

Differences Today

Textile Indistry

Weaving: uses a frame called a loom.

Spinning wheel: would take wool and spin it into yarn.

Flying Shute: faster production of  fabric.

Spinning Jenny: made by James Hargreavs the Spinning Jenny made fabric 10 times faster.

Richard Arkwright’s water frame: same concept of all the oshers but it used water instead of man power.

Samuel Crompton’s Spinning Mule: bigger and more powerful because it used steam.


How do we produce fabrics to day

Use the same concept.

How do we produce thred today

We use a spinning wheel. 

How do we produce fabrics to day? We have discovered different types of fabricPolyesterNylonRayonWoolSilkFlax, and Cotton.

How do we produce thred today

The spinning wheel is mechanical.

Steam & Coal

Thomas Newcomen made a steam masheian heated  by coal to pump out the water in mines.

James Watt made a more practical stem meshean niknamed Old Bess, could work in factories.

Newcomen and Watt opend up many opportunities.

Still use coal to get the fires hot.

Use coal for alot of things. 


Iron yoused to build things.

Iron opened the door for faster and more effective ways of transportation.


Still combing iron with other metals to make it stronger, or more flexible.

Iron helped create  superhero, use iron for lots of difrent things, like cooking.


Kids could work at age 4.

James made seam masheans that would work in factories.


Lots of factories.

Better technology.

More options of factories.


The first steam engine train was made in 1814, it was rally slow and only yoused for transporting goods.

The second train was made in 1825 and could carry passengers.

The Rocket built by the Stphensons was the fastest anyone had been on land in 1829, it went 24mph.

Still are on railways.

Same use.

Use electricity.


Carry more carts.

Made all out of metal.




2) Create a flow chart or mind map that shows how coal, steam power, iron, textile production, factories and new modes of transportation were all connected (hint: start with coal). Explain the connections.



3) How have the innovations of the Industrial Revolutionimpacted us today?



– More of things – Electricity

– Iron – Food

– Transportation 

– Communication 

– Polution

– Better weapons 

– Taking to much out of the earth

– Over population




Part C:

1) What are the major societal changes that were new to the Industrial Revolution and what were their effects/importance? (Crossroads – Chapter 7 – pg 245-254) In what ways is it still present today? How is it different today?

Innovation or System


Presence Today (similarities)

Differences Today

Laissez fare

– No government interference in economy.

– The rich are getting richer and the poor are staying the same

-Be greedy and that will help the economy


Still follow this method.


The government The government it was against this method when they Assist people that need help with money.

Workers rights

Workers did not have much say.

Long work weeks.

Had to let their children work so they could live.

Would get punished if they weren’t working.

Dangerous machinery.

People still work in factories.

In some places kistill have to work.

You don’t get punished wen you look around.

Safer machines.

Child labor 

– Children started working at the age of four.

– Might have to stand all day.

– Strapped if not working.



– Children still work at young ages.

– Safer machinery.

– Better work hours.

– Cildrens Aide Society.


Back then here wore three classes Tiny upper class, Middle class, Majority working and lower classes.

Today we have upper, upper middle, middle middle, lower middle, working class, upper lower class, poverty.

We still have class.

There are a lot more classes.






2) How have the societal changes of the Industrial Revolution impacted us today?



– Fairer work hours.

– Better work conditions.

– More money






Part D:

1) How did Britain react to the new changes of the Industrial Revolution?



Presence Today (similarities)

Differences Today

Poor Law

The government tried to help the poor by letting the local parish help them out and by giving the middle and upper class taxes.


– Goverment still helps out the poor.

– Help home poor people.

– Don’t yous the Poor Laws.


Social Refomers

Social Reformes tried to make life for people but mainly children  better by lowering work hours and eduatin. They had schools that kids could got to for free called Regged Schools.

-Public and privet schools.

– Children still go to school. 

– It is illegal to not allow your child to go to school.


Factory Acts

The Factory Acts wore all about helping workers.

– Factory’s still use macheans.

– Children can’t work in factory’s.

– Fairer work hours 

– Beter work conditions.

– Beter health plan.

Abolition of slavery

The people that beilieved that all men wore created equal started a movement to abolit the use of slaves.


– Don’t have salvery to day.

– Don’t judge people by their race.






2) How have Britain’s reactions to the Industrial Revolution impacted us today?









Nathan’s Stuff




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