Sammy the Sperm

My name is Sammy I’m a little sperm, my whole story started out when I was born in the testes hospital when I was first born I had to stay in the hospital for a few days. Went to color the testes hospital I went to go visit my mom and dad and the rest of my family and the epididymis a nearby town. After a short visit I hopped on the vas deferents highway on my way to vaginaland. The vas deferents is a really long highway it passes a large lake called lake bladder. After being on this highway for so long I’ve started getting a little hungry so I took a stop over at the Seminal vesicle dinner restaurant for a bite to eat. I got back on the highway and took the next exit onto urethra way. When I got to the beautiful vaginaland I made my way into uterusville, turning right onto oviduct road where I would meet my love Olivia Ovum. We soon plan to have a baby and grow our family ur even that is a long, hard process. Which will hopefully continue to grow. And that leads me to today finished my story leaving more to come in the near future