Core Competencies Self-Assessment

For my English Honours 12 self-assessment, my artifact is my Inquiry Project.   And the PowerPoint can be accessed here. Click here for the self-assessment.    

Core Competencies Self-Assessment

Here is my core competencies self-assessment for Literary Studies 11 Honours. This is an embedded Microsoft Office document, powered by Office. And here is the artifact I used for the self-assessment. This is an embedded Microsoft Office document, powered by Office.

Core Competencies Self-Assessment

Here is the core competencies self-assessment for Foundations 11. This is an embedded Microsoft Office document, powered by Office.

English Honours 11 – Core Competencies (Dmitri Shostakovich)

For my core competencies assessement I picked Dmitri Shostakovich, the famed Soviet musician. Good competency – Creative Competency Shostakovich often combined political strife as a topic into his music, all under the scrutiny and threatful gaze of Stalin during the 20th century. He used these…

Core Competencies Self-Assessment

This is the core competencies self-assessment for Conversation 10. Here is the link to the blog post, where you can find all the episodes, here.

Core Competencies Self-Assessment

This is the core competencies self-assessment for Sciences Humaines 9; including the document of the self-assessment, a photo of the project “Louis Riel – Heros ou Vilain?”, and finally two paragraphs that accompanied the comic strip. p