Core Competent Canadians

What did you know about the Core Competencies before this activity? What did you know? Not much. I have done quite an extensive amount of Core Competencies before in my classes but I’m afraid I never quite understood to what extent they truly meant. How…

Bloglog3: The Meaning of Life

Click here for the link to the article I have written about. The question has been asked many times. What is the meaning of life?  Well, it can be interpreted in several different ways but I don’t think that really matters, because either way, you’ll be…

Solution Fluency – Steps

Steps I have taken to create this project; Define What is the challenge that you have been given? Currently in Tanzania, electricity is not something that is available in every household. In cities, there is somewhat light during the day, but in the night everything…

3 Most Important Things I Have Learned in the Polynomials Unit

3 most important things I have learned in the polynomials unit; The Terminology – ex; variables, degrees, # of terms, coefficients, constant terms, etc. 2. How to Solve Polynomial/Binomial/Trinomial/Monomial in ways including – Simplifying Algebra Tiles Multiplying/Dividing Use FOIL (first, outside, inside, last) BEDMAS How…