Climate Change Project – Week #3

This is the small presentation me and my group (Pixie, Dylan, and Sid) worked on. We had a rather short period of time to put this together, so I don’t think it doesn’t have as much finesse as we could’ve achieved it, but we are…

Climate Change – Presentation

In my science 9 class, me and my group created a presentation in order to explain what the climate, and climate change is. Here is the project, and here are the answers to the questions assigned. What questions did you need to research in order…

Innovation to Achieve the Global Goals – #7 and #13

Innovation to Achieve the Global Goals For my group, we’ve decided to take on a solution to two goals (#7 Affordable and Clean Energy, and #13 Climate Action), which is a solar panel made out of house-hold items. With this, people can access energy in…