Honours English 9 – Mini-Inquiry Project

  Bittersweet Here lies little Ms. Nobody, who lives and breathes for Mr. Someone His eyes, his hair, his touch She watches from the other side But the course of love never did run smooth She has no right to, she has no right to…

Vacation Project – Math 9

I chose to go to Panaauia, Tahiti, as it is a French speaking island and is surrounded by beautiful scenic views and is enriched with culture that can be seen everywhere. I plan to go for three days from July the 4th to 7th. Flight…

Math 9 – Dream House Project

This project was for math 9, and we created a dream house, using dimensions we have learned in class and calculated perimeters and areas of all rooms and land. We used FloorStyler to build our homes. Here are my calculations;   Here is my blueprint…

Bloglog3: The Meaning of Life

Click here for the link to the article I have written about. The question has been asked many times. What is the meaning of life?  Well, it can be interpreted in several different ways but I don’t think that really matters, because either way, you’ll be…

“These Black Screens” – Poetry Project

The Veldt is a rather harsh depiction of a world controlled by technology, but in the short story, there are many themes that are relevant to the modern world. The thought that we, as a human race, have begun to think that these devices are…