Bloglog3: The Meaning of Life

Click here for the link to the article I have written about.

The question has been asked many times. What is the meaning of life?  Well, it can be interpreted in several different ways but I don’t think that really matters, because either way, you’ll be overwhelmed by the very thought of your existence being like an ant in the very large world of the universe. I liked this article because it gave me comfort (my God), and it particularly caught my attention when I realized I had no idea what ikigai was, despite my strong Japanese background. It demonstrated explanation of what ikigai is wonderfully, and it gave comparisons to what many Westerners may find in their lives as a mid-life crisis. In the end, life can be a complicated mess, and finding your purpose of life may be overwhelming in itself, but finding it, and learning deeper about yourself and those around you while doing so, well, isn’t that the purpose of life as well?

One comment

  1. Kathy Shong · June 20, 2018 at 4:50 pm ·

    thanks Nana – I’ve seen this article and I find the balance topic very interesting.