Bloglog2: Schrödinger’s Cat – Alternate Universes Exist!?

Click here for the link to the article I have written about.

To put it simply, I adore quantum mechanics. It’s so crazy that you either accept that theories may very well be true, or that it just goes straight into one ear and falls out of the other side. That goes for Schrödinger’s cat, a thought experiment that may very well prove that alternate universes exist. I find the thought of alternate universes pop up in all genres of entertainment; an example that pops up into my brain that of Clamp’s XXXHolic and Tsubasa, both manga series that overlap each other and shows alternate worlds simultaneously existing while different versions of the characters coexist. In this simple article, it demonstrates two possibilities to the concept of a cat being simultaneously alive and dead… A concept that is foreign to most Grade 9s, but the simplistic style the author wrote this article, it makes a radioactive neutrons and zombie-like cats easier to understand;  don’t overdo it, as they say. Though, realizing I said that about quantum mechanics, I do get irony.

One comment

  1. Kathy Shong · April 15, 2018 at 11:30 pm ·

    Nana – well, Big Bang has a good explanation of Schrodinger’s cat… but still can’t wrap my brain around it. I like your humorous tone…