The Veldt is a rather harsh depiction of a world controlled by technology, but in the short story, there are many themes that are relevant to the modern world. The thought that we, as a human race, have begun to think that these devices are our companions, is a fascinating yet terrifying reality that is coming true. These ideas are what inspired to make my poem more tech-focused, and the disconnectedness we are creating between each other due to ‘these black screens’.
“These Black Screens”
By: Nana Okamoto
O pity the child who has been bred
To know the black screens of their parents instead
O pity the adolescent who only sees
Perfect pictures, videos and strange TVs
O pity the parent who is prone to know
The news of the world, every second of the day
And pity to humanity
That crumbles while watching these glass mirrors
To a reality that ceases to exist
Beyond these black screens
Thank you for posting your poetry project based on the short story “The Veldt,” a project for both English 9 and COL (ADL10). I have some observations regarding this piece on a technological perspective.
– Editing and overall presentation is extremely well done
– Extremely creative layout of information that is aesthetically pleasing
– Looks professional in format (music video style)
– Music choice is excellent!!!!
– Images with the text is perfectly paced and fits the tone of the poem
– Poem is well-written and represented within the film
– The visuals, text and audio is extremely suitable
– Multiple categories highlight the short story through an excellent poem
– Properly posted on your edublog!
I hope that you enjoyed doing this project and learnt not only about poetry, but also how to use a new technological tool!
Thank you,
Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teacher