How can we trust the measurements of space,
If we physically can’t go there?
Morgan Mitchell September,17 2018
How can we trust the measurements of space if we can’t physically go there? The way NASA measures space is by light years (ly), astronomical units (au), and parsec (pc). A light year is the distance that light can travel in one year in an empty space. The speed of light is about 186,000 miles, so one year the light can travel a distance of 5,880,000,000,000 miles. An Astronomical Unit is the distance between the sun and earth which is 93 million miles away. Planet Mercury is 1/3 of an AU and planet Pluto is 40 AU. A Parsec is the equivalent of 3.26 light years. The definition of a parsec is based on a triangle because the length of the long leg is a parsec, the short leg of the triangle is an astronomical unit, and the last leg in an arcsecond which is 1/60 of an arcminute.
In my own opinion I think that we should be able to trust NASA and there measurement skills, But we don’t know if it correct or not because we can’t just go out into space with a tape measurer and count how many miles or kilometres it takes to actually get to Pluto because it would take 45-50 years and I don’t think people like us would want to wait that long just to see how many miles it is because it easier to just estimate instead of waiting 45 years. How do we know how far away the next universe is if we don’t even have enough time in our entire life to get there? All we really need to do is believe in the people who do this stuff for a living and are trying so hard to build something that might be able to make it to the next universe but that won’t be in our time. Maybe in the future we might have the right technology to make it more and more undiscovered universes in space. If we do ever make it out further into space, we could run into a black hole and get sucked in which wouldn’t be good. Lets just not hope that our sun wont blow up and we get sucked into “our” black hole.
We all have our own opinions and I know some people don’t really agree with me and that’s fine, you believe in what you want to believe in. One day I hope we will find some way we can put air on mars so then we have two planets that we know of that have human beings!
I really like how you put your own bias into the project, It makes it more interesting instead of being just research on a article. I do think you could have gone more in depth though, but its still really interesting. This made me think more about space in general and was very intriguing!
I really liked this project, and I agree with your opinion. Maybe next time you could add a little bit more information about the measurement in space, and maybe even a video?
I feel like you got a little off topic with your question at the end but I liked your question and feel like you wouldn’t really be able to answer it but you provided a lot of information about it! great job!