Mystery powder lab


1.Explain the difference between a chemical and physical change.  

physical change is when there is a difference in the appearance or smell and chemical change is the change of the properties. 


2.For unknown D, explain the results of each test, including what you saw and whether what you saw was a chemical or physical change.  

The appearance was Powdery, off white and it was also very smooth. The D dissolved in water and it was very opaque. When we heated it in the aluminum foil it didn’t really burn. When we did the Universal Indicator experiment it turned into a yellow color. When we did the Iodine Solution the color change a bit and became darker. When we did the vinegar experiment not much happened it just became wet. All those experiments for the letter D was a physical change. 


3.Based on your results identify which two powders make up Mystery Powder X and which two powders make up Mystery Powder Z? 

I think that x has baking soda in it and z has flower  

4.Explain any experimental sources of error from this lab (where could you have possibly made a mistake?

I made a mistake because I was supposed o always wear my goggles at all times but instead I did not so next time I will wear them at all times in case something happened

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