Monthly Archives: January 2017

Wednesday January 11 SS10

Role 3:  Read about Amor De Cosmos on p. 226 (Ch. 6 Horizons) and complete the 2 questions at the end of the reading

Review Confederation Debate viewpoints chart and questions

Emergence of Vancouver and Stanley Park

Watch TED Talk: “History of Vancouver” Sullivan

Read p. 227-230, 234  (Ch. 6 Horizons) and Stanley Park Readings

Stanley Park readings-1tvaqmb

Complete Questions

History of Vancouver and Stanley Park new text-yykvau

Make-up test day:  Tuesday, January 17 3:10 Room 221

Monday January 9 SS10

Role: Resources Quiz

Review Gold Rush questions and chart

Watch: a People’s History:  Gold Rush

Prepare for an in-class writing assignment for Tuesday:  How did the Cariboo Gold Rush affect the history of British Columbia?

Brainstorm and organize your paragraph first. Remember to have a topic sentence, body with at least 3 points and a concluding sentence.

Ideas to consider when preparing:

  • Who came during the gold rush and how did they influence BC?
  • How did the Cariboo Road affect BC’s development?
  • First Nations Role?


Friday January 6 SS10

Role 3: Reflection on the resources activity — hand in before end of class

The Cariboo Gold Rush

Read “The Hanging Judge” aloud together

Read “The Cariboo Gold Rush” Ch. 6 p. 216-224 (old Horizons text)

Gold Rush readings old Horizons-2404ook

Jack Cooper’s Journey-1qa7pbm

Complete the following questions and PMI chart on the Gold rush

BC Gold Rush questions version 2-zowdua

Quiz on resources Monday

HW assignment:  “Our Family Tree”– handout in class


Thursday January 5

Keyboarding 11

SenseLang Lesson 16          3 Online Typing tests              record all results “Advanced Skill Builder Drills” and 5 minute typing test (you are on the first Advanced Lesson) with 12 tests completed

Article Write “New Year’s Resolutions”

Work on Portfolio 13. You will also have next week to finish it.