Monday November 28

Keyboarding 11

  1. Pick up Warm-up and Warm-up goals sheet
  2. Set up a file for “Warm up #12a”
  3. Fill in your goals worksheet for Warm up #12a
  4. Get ready for your 7 min. warm up
  5. Record results on your goal sheet
  6. Word Document: The Odyssey: A Play
    1. 200-250 words commenting on the play in a positive manner.
      1. Can include, sound, set, acting, impressions, etc.
    2. Include a photo from the internet that represents and idea you write about.
    3. Spellchecked, appropriate font, title etc.
  7. Work on Portfolio #10 – prezi

If finished:

  1. Typing Races for Education
    1. Log in: Firstname, last initial eg JohnS
    2. Password: kendal
  3. Typeracer or Nitrotype



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