Monthly Archives: November 2016

Thursday December 1

Keyboarding 11: Thursday

  1. Online Typing tests
  2. Pick up Sense-Lang record sheet.
  3. Do Assignment #12. Do not record.
  4. Do Lesson #13. Record your scores. (second time this week)
  5. : Easy Top Row Words and a 5 min typing test
  6. Finish Portfolio 10. Must be completed Friday
  7. Invite a classmate to race:
    1. Log in: Firstname, last initial eg JohnS
    2. Password: kendal
    3. or
    4. Email any assignments you would like me to see.



Thursday December 1 SS10

Role: Email November role to

With a partner, look at the Metis List of Rights (p.161 – Ch.4) and handout. Which rights do you think the Canadian government would support?


DVD: Louis Riel

Were the events of 1869-1870 a Rebellion or a Resistance?

Use the following chart to categorize events as evidence for either viewpoint.


Information to review for your viewpoint includes:

DVD: Louis Riel (part 1)

Ch.4 p. 157-160 The Red River Resistance




Wednesday November 30

Keyboarding 11: Wednesday

  1. Pick up Warm-up and Warm-up goals sheet
  2. Set up a file for “Warm up #12b”
  3. Fill in your goals worksheet for Warm up #12b
  4. Get ready for your 7 min. warm up.
  5. Wait for teacher to start timer
  6. Record results on your goal sheet
  7. Intermediate:  “Easy Home Row Words” and 3 minute typing test
  8. Finish Article Write: “Christmas Jokes “
  9. Finish Portfolio 10: Prezi

Tuesday November 29 SS10

Role 13:  Read p. 143-147 Red River Settlement (The Selkirk Settlement) and begin the fill in the blank notes with word bank


  1. Review FN/ Europeans Metis chart and Anne Marie Lepine
  2. Complete Red River Settlement fill in the blanks together
  3. DVD: Episode 6 The Selkirk Settlers
  4. Red River Settlement Powerpoint. Download and fill in the blanks


Tuesday November 29

Keyboarding 11: Tuesday

  1. Pickup an Online Typing Test sheet on your way into class.
  2. Do 3 typing tests and record your scores in the same box. Label “November 29”
  3. Pick up Sense-Lang record sheet.
  4. Do Assignment #12. Do not record.
  5. Do Lesson #13. Record your scores. You will do this same lesson a second time on Thursday.
  6. NEW:  go to
    1. Login name:  RSSfirstname  eg RSSLisa
    2. Password: Kendal
    3. Go to Intermediate level: choose “Common English words
    4. Complete 30 stars at this level (the entire level)
    5. Choose a 5 minute typing test to complete
  7. Article Write ” Christmas Jokes”
  8. Work on Portfolio 10 Prezi due this week.
  9. Typeracer or Nitrotype

Monday November 28

Keyboarding 11

  1. Pick up Warm-up and Warm-up goals sheet
  2. Set up a file for “Warm up #12a”
  3. Fill in your goals worksheet for Warm up #12a
  4. Get ready for your 7 min. warm up
  5. Record results on your goal sheet
  6. Word Document: The Odyssey: A Play
    1. 200-250 words commenting on the play in a positive manner.
      1. Can include, sound, set, acting, impressions, etc.
    2. Include a photo from the internet that represents and idea you write about.
    3. Spellchecked, appropriate font, title etc.
  7. Work on Portfolio #10 – prezi

If finished:

  1. Typing Races for Education
    1. Log in: Firstname, last initial eg JohnS
    2. Password: kendal
  3. Typeracer or Nitrotype



Monday November 28

Role 11/12: Define pemmican, bison, Red River carts, buffalo runners

  1. Review the impact of the fur trade on First Nations peoples
  2. The Metis — read p. 138-142 (Ch.4)
    1. Analyze the French and First Nations heritage on the following chart       metis-worksheet due Tuesday

3. Read Window on Canada: I am Marie Garneau (below)


Complete questions:  anne-marie-garneau due Tuesday

Radio ad due Tuesday



Friday November 25

Role 11: Why was Thanadelthur a noteworthy historical figure?

  1. Review Thanadelthur – revisionist history
  2. First Nations Population Movement. Use p. 132 Fig 4-6 (Ch. 4) to complete Act Sheet 4-4

population-and-beaver-depletion (Activity sheet for Population Movement and Beaver Depletion)

  1. Beaver Depletion. Use attached information and to complete Act 4-8.

Figure 1

Figure 2


Figure 3


  1. Complete the chart on the Impact the Fur Trade had on the First Nations People p.132 (Ch.4)

impact-of-fur-trading-on-fn due Monday

  1. Work on Radio ad/ poster due Tuesday (note new due date)