Desmos Art Functions Card 2019

This project surely was a tough but rewarding one. It helped me understand better the concept of most functions and allowed me to study in a way that was fun and interactive. The project was unique in the way that not only were you using math and gaining knowledge but also creating something awesome. Going through my project, I wanted to recreate what a simple Christmas would look like. So with my self-portrait, I included a room that resembled Christmas morning, with snow falling outside, a fireplace, Christmas tree and presents, etc. Though just looking at this snippet of the card, it doesn’t seem to be much, though you have to remember that each line, circle or whatever shape is an equation with its respective own restrictions and other affairs. For the self-portrait, I decided that it would be fitting if I try and use all 6 functions being that the face has so many shapes and curvatures to it. I managed to use 5 out of the 6 needed functions just on the face not because I crammed them in there, but because it was appropriate to use so many since the face is so contoured and curved in many aspects. The rest of the card is partially straight lines and linear functions with restrictions. Though it does sound easy, applying restrictions was quite tedious. Deciding what equations to use was sometimes difficult because in some occasions, two different functions can be very similar but with different characteristics so deciding which one to pick was sometimes a challenge. I got little to no help. I search only one thing up and it was how to make a circle and that was it. I spent a while looking through my textbook and couldn’t seem to find any clues so I had to resort to searching it up, otherwise, everything else on the screen was done by myself without any help. Some strategies were that if you had an idea that you wanted to create and you didn’t know whether it would be too hard or take too long, my strategy was to create a simple outline and see if it would be reasonable to then finish it and put detail into it. This strategy didn’t take up lots of time and it saved me time too. This project helped me not only study more but pick up the things I didn’t fully understand before. Like I have said it was a great way to create something you liked while improving your math knowledge and skills. I liked how the 6 functions were intended to be incorporated since you got to refresh your memory on basically everything we have done so far for graphing. All in all, it was a great project and was a good way to refresh my memory on the things I had forgotten about.

Week 17 – Pre Cal

Sine Law

This week in Precalc 11 we learned a new trigonometry formula known as the sine law. Sine law is used to find the angles and the side length of triangles that don’t contain a ninety-degree angle. To use this formula you need 3 pieces of information, 2 of which must correspond to one another. For example, if you have angle B you need the side length b.

while the Cosine Law is used when the Sine Law cannot be used. The cosine law can calculate a missing side length or angle. The formula for finding a missing side length is and vice-versa


Here is a video to help:

Conflicts that arise for minorities

One thing I am proud of regarding my work in grade 11:

I am proud that I improved the detail and depth of my work. Last year I would sometimes skim over things and not really go in depth, which would have been helpful at points. It not only impacted the way I did my assignments but also impeded on my grade in various instances. This year I really tried to put every single piece of detail I could into my work.

Two things I can work on for grade 12:

I wish to be more cautious about ‘human mistakes’ or to be more cautious in general because as shown, on my good copy of my essay, I didn’t even have a title. This goes for simple punctuation and grammar as well.

Secondly, I wish to be able to write more formally. I found that I almost always write in a slang/figurative format which is a complete counterpart for a synthesis essay. This would also help me for things other than just the essay, such as writing emails to teachers/boss.

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Week 15 -Pre Cal 11

Adding and subtracting rational expressions with monomial numerators 

First, we should mention what a rational expression is that has a binomial denominator. A rational expression is that has a binomial denominator is an expression that has a binomial, in the place of the denominator. The binomial can be any numbers in addition or subtraction of any variable of any power.

This week in math, we learned how to multiply and divide monomials. The first step is always to factor if possible, we always need to take a look at what we’re doing; either multiplication or dividing. From previous math, we know that if it’s dividing then we need to reciprocate the fraction. The next step is to simplify all like terms, you always need to find what X can’t equal to, because the denominator cannot equal 0.

In the examples below, i forgot my non-permissible values, for the first one it’s b cannot equal 0, and same for the second one, except B and A cannot=0

Here is a video to help :