Human Condition Paragraph

Human Condition Paragraph

Ocean, beach and a false sense of hope is the only thing the WW2 soldiers have in Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk. Forced out to sea from the enclosing Nazi frontline, these tired, helpless soldiers desperately wait to be ferried back to home to England. To add to the starvation and suicides, the most agonizing part is that home was visible from the foamy shores. Every week brings a Battle Ferry, that can carry many men, but certainly not the 400,000 that were stuck at Dunkirk. Being this, local fishermen and navy sailed across the stormy channel to aid the dying soldiers and bring them back home. Hundreds of small vessels did so. In the end, over 300,000 men were rescued. During this whole fiesta, the director made light on the different point of views from different people during the whole movie. All had their own time in the movie but later all intertwined to show the viewer how they linked up and wrapped up the film. This action-packed drama does certainly have a lot to learn from. It shows the struggle to stay alive from your enemies and overcome them by beating them in the long run. It also demonstrates the generosity of others in needed times referencing that we all need a little help in hard situations. There is nothing more human than helping others, and at the same time, nothing more human than beating and tearing people apart.

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Émission #3 – Les animaux artificiels

Émission #3 – Les animaux artificiels


Series : 2 journalistes de nouvelles rapportent les histoires et les incidents qui arrivent dans le futur. Ensemble, ils sont les nouvelles du futur.

Émission  #3 : Nous raportons des mortes des animaux dans in grand guerre et leur retour à la vie. Avec l’aide de Nanotech et les gouvernements d’écosystèmes, nous pouvons aider les animaux eteintes.

Information Fluency

3 strategies for determining how reliable a webpage’s info is :

  • Check if they have a “Contact Us” and if so, proceed further and check if it is valid
  • See if the website has “https” for safe purchasing or guarding of information
  • Check other peoples reviews to see if they mention the site being fake or if the website has any scams

Library database –

  1. Go to the riverside home page.
  2. Click on “Library” in the grey bar.
  3. Enter school account and password.
  4. Click the thing red text that says “Click Here” in the photo with the text “To access all of our library resources, catalogs and databases.
  5. Then enter in school account and password if needed again.
  6. Click the “Global issues in context” tab under Gale databases
  7. Enter the password “student”.
  8. And there you have your database.

I learned that the school online websites has tons of information to use and receive. Also, I learned how to identify which websites are fake and which are not.