Week 17 – Pre Cal

Sine Law

This week in Precalc 11 we learned a new trigonometry formula known as the sine law. Sine law is used to find the angles and the side length of triangles that don’t contain a ninety-degree angle. To use this formula you need 3 pieces of information, 2 of which must correspond to one another. For example, if you have angle B you need the side length b.

while the Cosine Law is used when the Sine Law cannot be used. The cosine law can calculate a missing side length or angle. The formula for finding a missing side length is and vice-versa


Here is a video to help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjmFKle7xIw

Conflicts that arise for minorities

One thing I am proud of regarding my work in grade 11:

I am proud that I improved the detail and depth of my work. Last year I would sometimes skim over things and not really go in depth, which would have been helpful at points. It not only impacted the way I did my assignments but also impeded on my grade in various instances. This year I really tried to put every single piece of detail I could into my work.

Two things I can work on for grade 12:

I wish to be more cautious about ‘human mistakes’ or to be more cautious in general because as shown, on my good copy of my essay, I didn’t even have a title. This goes for simple punctuation and grammar as well.

Secondly, I wish to be able to write more formally. I found that I almost always write in a slang/figurative format which is a complete counterpart for a synthesis essay. This would also help me for things other than just the essay, such as writing emails to teachers/boss.

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