Week 15 -Pre Cal 11

Adding and subtracting rational expressions with monomial numerators 

First, we should mention what a rational expression is that has a binomial denominator. A rational expression is that has a binomial denominator is an expression that has a binomial, in the place of the denominator. The binomial can be any numbers in addition or subtraction of any variable of any power.

This week in math, we learned how to multiply and divide monomials. The first step is always to factor if possible, we always need to take a look at what we’re doing; either multiplication or dividing. From previous math, we know that if it’s dividing then we need to reciprocate the fraction. The next step is to simplify all like terms, you always need to find what X can’t equal to, because the denominator cannot equal 0.

In the examples below, i forgot my non-permissible values, for the first one it’s b cannot equal 0, and same for the second one, except B and A cannot=0

Here is a video to help : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1ajvLpb32E