Week 13 – Pre Call 11

Graphing reciprocals of linear functions

During Week 13 of Pre Cal 11, we learned about how to graph reciprocals of both linear functions and quadratic functions. Today, I will be explaining how to graph and calculate linear reciprocals. When starting, we should try and find the original linear function (y=fx). Once we find the original, we must graph it so we can keep it in relation to the reciprocal that we will soon graph. Once we find the original function (y=fx), we must turn it into a reciprocal function. See Image 1 to find out how. Then, find the x-intercepts for y=a and y=-1. These will be your invariant points, they help you graph your reciprocal function. After this, you will need to find your asymptotes, both horizontal and vertical. See Image 2 for more info. Then depending if x is negative or not, it is now time to graph the reciprocal. See image 3 for info.