Information Fluency

3 strategies for determining how reliable a webpage’s info is :

  • Check if they have a “Contact Us” and if so, proceed further and check if it is valid
  • See if the website has “https” for safe purchasing or guarding of information
  • Check other peoples reviews to see if they mention the site being fake or if the website has any scams

Library database –

  1. Go to the riverside home page.
  2. Click on “Library” in the grey bar.
  3. Enter school account and password.
  4. Click the thing red text that says “Click Here” in the photo with the text “To access all of our library resources, catalogs and databases.
  5. Then enter in school account and password if needed again.
  6. Click the “Global issues in context” tab under Gale databases
  7. Enter the password “student”.
  8. And there you have your database.

I learned that the school online websites has tons of information to use and receive. Also, I learned how to identify which websites are fake and which are not.


TOKTW 2016

Mitchell.W                                                                                                        TOKTW Day Reflection

Mr.Thies                                                                                                                                          11/4/2016

                                                              TOKTW Day Reflection                                                                   

Host : Graham Watson                       Relation : Father

  • The Interview
  1. Civil engineer
  2. A civil engineer does designs, digital drawings and constructional plans for the city and job sites
  3. Some duties are meetings at the city hall to discuss the construction, design and planning of buildings that involves the work of a civil engineer. An other duty is that a civil engineer has to go out to job sites to inspect and to see what he has the plan/design
  4. For training you have to know how to use basic digital designing content and know how to use construction equipment. For education you have to have a master’s/bachelor’s degree in engineering. You also have to take other courses for design to know how to properly describe what there is to build/have in a drawing.
  5. I like that there is always something different to do whether it’s designing or inspecting, it always keeps you occupied.
  6. At times you get bored sitting down designing all the time.
  7. Well since there will more things to build and construct, there will need to be more to design and make so that’s where a civil engineer comes in.
  • Student Reflections
  1. a) I like it because I enjoy designing/making things

b) I like it because a civil engineer gets to go to job sites and meetings

c) I like it because you don’t always just sit in an office, you get to go around the lower mainland and experience different areas and things

  1. a) Sometimes you are stuck in your office when you don’t have to go to any job sites or attend any meetings so you are just doing drawings

b) There is a lot of moving around and sometimes limited time to work so you don’t always get work done

c) At times you can be stuck at work late at night because there’s often work that has to be finished of job site workers that come to visit and talk about the project

  1. I do think that this job is somewhat for me because I would like to become a architect when I’m older so the design and planning part is correlated to being and architect.
  2. The TOKTW Day gave me a great experience of what everyday life at a job is like outside of school. It really broadened my knowledge of what there is to do and different jobs. It made me rethink my life choices for the future.


To see the questions that were proposed in this reflection, here is the document



Émission #2 -La transportation futuriste


Partenaire(s) : Iliyan

2 journalistes de nouvelles rapportent les histoires et les incidents qui arrivent dans le futur. Ensemble, ils sont les nouvelles du futur.

Émission #2 -La transportation futuriste

Dans ce podcast, nous allons racconter les effets mauvaises à cause de la teleportation. Nous racontons les changes dans non seulemnt les humains, mais aussi la Terre. Personne sait qu’est-ce qui va arriver.